Tall Tales contest Sept. 17, 2013

We will be conducting a Tall Tales club speech contest at the September 17, 2013 meeting!

All members of our club who are up-to-date with their due payments can participate.  The winner of our club contest will go on to compete at the district and, possibly, the area level.

Each contestant will prepare a 3-5 min “Tall Tale” presentation ahead of time that is of a highly exaggerated, improbable nature and has a theme or plot.  Humor and props may be used to support or illustrate the speech.

These presentations will be judged by other members of the club.  This is a great experience so all members with good standing, even newer members, are encouraged to compete!  Please contact Katrina Spencer, the Tall Tales Club Contest Chair, if you would like to sign up at: katrinmh@uci.edu

Good luck to all the participants!!

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