Meeting on Sep.19th

We’ll meet next Tuesday (Sep. 19th) from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm in Aldrich Hall, Room 107. Visitors are always welcome!

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Attention: Open House Meeting on September 12th

Our September 12th meeting will be at Open House dedicated to answering Toastmasters speakervisitors’ questions about the Toastmasters program. All are welcome.

The Open House will be at Aldrich Hall, room 107 from 12:00 to 1:00 pm on Tuesday, Sept 12th.

You will learn how the Toastmasters educational program works, and how it can help you to become a more effective speaker and leader.

  • “Toastmasters has helped me to develop my presentation skills. It has given me the opportunity to get to know so many nice people.”
  • “Toastmasters gives me a chance to practice English (my second language) in public.”
  • “Thanks to Toastmasters, I’ve overcome my fear of impromptu speaking”
  • “Toastmasters has helped me to organize and conduct meetings more effectively.”
  • “Toastmasters has helped me to be more confident in presenting my ideas.
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Zotspeak Circus

On Tuesday, August 29th, Zotspeak Toastmaster held a wonderful meeting with the theme of Circus.

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Meeting announcement for August 29

   Ladies & Gentlemen: Hear ye! Hear ye! Hear ye!
   Special ZotSpeak Toastmasters Circus meeting
   Come one~come all!!! Join the FUN 🙂
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Open House Meeting on September 12th

Our September 12th meeting will be at Open House dedicated to answering Toastmasters speakervisitors’ questions about the Toastmasters program. All are welcome.

The Open House will be at Aldrich Hall, room 107 from 12:00 to 1:00 pm on Tuesday, Sept 12th.

You will learn how the Toastmasters educational program works, and how it can help you to become a more effective speaker and leader.

  • “Toastmasters has helped me to develop my presentation skills. It has given me the opportunity to get to know so many nice people.”
  • “Toastmasters gives me a chance to practice English (my second language) in public.”
  • “Thanks to Toastmasters, I’ve overcome my fear of impromptu speaking”
  • “Toastmasters has helped me to organize and conduct meetings more effectively.”
  • “Toastmasters has helped me to be more confident in presenting my ideas.


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Meeting on Aug.29th

We’ll meet next Tuesday (August 29th) from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm in Aldrich Hall, Room 107. Visitors are always welcome!

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Meeting on Aug.22th

We’ll meet next Tuesday (August 22th) from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm in Aldrich Hall, Room 107. Visitors are always welcome!

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Club Officer Training

On Tuesday, August 8th,  Zotspeak Toastmaster Lillian Li(right) with her trainer Vanessa at Toastmaster Club Officer Training. 

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Guest Speaker: Daniel Midson-Short

Daniel Midson-Short practiced at our last meeting on August 8th. He will compete in the World Championship of Public Speaking at the Toastmasters International Convention in Vancouver in late August. GOOD LUCK DANIEL!!!

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Meeting on Aug.15th

We’ll meet next Tuesday (August 15th) from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm in Aldrich Hall, Room 107. Visitors are always welcome!

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