EEE Canvas Updates, 10/29/2016

The assignments within Canvas have been updated to more easily associate group sets and incorporate groups into peer reviews. Additionally, the To Do list has been updated and is now more complete. …

EEE Canvas Usage Statistics

In Winter Quarter 2017, 72% of all students, and 23% of instructors are associated with at least one EEE Canvas course space. This represents consistent growth from previous terms. Course Codes Students Teaching Assistants Instructors Spring ’15 287 5814 57 179 Summer ’15 239 5849 167 96 Fall ’15 606 13303 298 330 Winter ’16 520…

EEE Canvas Updates, 10/8/2016

There are two new noteworthy new features and bug fixes that were released by Instructure. These include the display of question details within the question bank and the ability to configure all navigation links to be displayed with an underline. …

EEE GrandCentral and Canvas Grade Import Updates, 10/4/2016

Instructors can now remove additional students who were added to their EEE Canvas course space. Learn more about the process of removing additional students.  Instructors can now convert an existing text file that includes students’ UCInetIDs or Student ID numbers and assignment scores into an EEE Canvas friendly format. This document can then be imported…

EEE Canvas Transition Underway

Welcome to 2016-2017! This is the beginning of a pivotal year in the campuswide transition to EEE Canvas. A growing number of instructors are exploring the Canvas toolset for the first time or expanding their use. You can learn more about EEE Canvas, including opportunities for training, at: If you would like to create…