More complete information, timelines, and details are coming soon. This “Frequently Asked Questions” area is meant to assist the campus community in understanding some of the common questions about the future of UCI’s learning management system environment.

If your question is not addressed here, please let us know. This FAQ will grow as we receive questions from the community.


Canvas Adoption Announcement

On February 8th, 2016, Michael Dennin (Vice Provost, Division of Teaching and Learning & Dean, Division of Undergraduate Education) and Dana Roode (CIO & Associate Vice Chancellor, Office of Information Technology) announced the adoption of the Instructure Canvas learning management system at UCI.

Read the full announcement →

Will EEE be going away?

No. EEE contains a suite of tools that meet a variety of campus needs. As the campus adopts Canvas over the next several years, some EEE tools that are better served by equivalent Canvas tools will gradually be retired, while unique tools specific to our campus will be redesigned to interface smoothly with Canvas. EEE in its current form will not exist indefinitely, but will instead be evolved into a new learning management ecosystem of tools, with Canvas as a major component. This will be a significant, gradual project over multiple years with campus feedback guiding the outcome and timeline.

As the adoption progresses, updates will be posted both on this information site, within tools on EEE, and, when appropriate, via email. This informational site will be updated to provide the latest details and timelines on the evolution of the EEE/Canvas learning environment throughout the multi-year Canvas adoption.

I like EEE just fine; why is the campus adopting Canvas?

Since 1996, UCI has utilized our homegrown EEE learning management system. For technical and security reasons, maintaining that 20-year old code base is not possible indefinitely. Additionally, it would require several years of programming effort and extensive refactoring of this aging, legacy old code base to provide the campus with features and functionality in-line with those currently provided by vendor solutions, such as Canvas. A brief overview of the state of EEE and why considering a vendor solution is necessary is available on the UCI Canvas Pilot website at:

When can I start using Canvas and how do I get started?

You can start utilizing Canvas for your courses anytime. EEE tools and resources will also still be available for your use, even if you choose to use Canvas. For information about requesting Canvas course space and support resources, please visit:

Do I have to switch to Canvas right now?

No. You may continue to use EEE tools and resources. A timeline is currently under development to provide long range dates for transition to Canvas. We do encourage instructors to begin trying out Canvas to become familiar with it. However, instructors are not required to switch to Canvas as this time.

What’s the timeline for all of this?

Now that the year-long Canvas Pilot is coming to a close, the team that builds and maintains EEE as well as supporting Canvas will be working to provide a road map for integration of Canvas as the core learning management system for the campus. As this information becomes available to share it will be posted here, and there will be many different forms of communication (emails, panels, workshops) to the various campus constituencies to ensure that there are multiple ways to stayed informed about upcoming changes and enhancements.