Advanced Webspace
In order to download content from Advanced Webspaces, they may need to be reactivated. Please contact to request this. Once that is done, you’ll need to connect to your Advanced Webspace with an SFTP client. Please refer to this help article for in-depth instructions:
ClassMail Lists
Your ClassMail List archives can be found by navigating to the ClassMail Manager tool and clicking on “Archive Management”.
- A list of courses will display for the term.
- Click “Manage Archive”. A list of individual messages will display for the course, each with a “View” link.
- Click the “View” link to open the message.
- Copy and paste the message content into the text editor of your choice (such as Microsoft Word, or Apple Notes).
Files saved in DropBoxes that have not yet expired can be downloaded as a ZIP file. For steps on this, please refer to this help article:
The Academic Web Technologies Development team has created a tool to facilitate downloading EasyWebsite content. For instructions on how to use this, please visit:
Please note that you may be asked to log in.
You can download your EEE Legacy gradebooks year by year. To do this, open the Gradebook tool and look for the button labeled “Bulk download my gradebooks”. Once there, click on any academic year link to download the gradebooks for that year.
To download participant information, open the MessageBoard tool and click on the “User Tracking” tab. Just below this tab, a button will appear that says “Downloads & Print Views”. Click there and select your preferred option.
To save individual messages, you will need to open each MessageBoard topic and copy and paste them into the text editor of your choice, such as Microsoft Word or Apple Notes.
To download quizzes in QTI format (that can be imported into Canvas), please refer to:
To download quiz results and participant information, open the Quiz tool and click on the “Assigned Quizzes” tab. For any quiz, click on “Results”, then…
- To download quiz results: Click on “Print” or “Download CSV” found on the right side of the screen.
- To download participant information: Click on the “Participants” tab, then choose either “Print”, “Download CSV”, or “Download GB Friendly”.
To download SignupSheet results and participant information, please refer to:
To download Survey results and respondent information, please refer to: