Ongoing Committees
Educational Technology Initiative Advisory Committee
The Educational Technology Initiative Advisory Committee (ETIAC) brings together students, faculty, and staff to advise the campus Chief Information Officer regarding eTech@UCI including the effective deployment of the student Educational Technology Initiative fee.
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Council on Research, Computing, and Libraries
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Previous / On Hiatus Committees
Learning Technologies Advisory Group
The  Learning Technologies Advisory Group comprises instructional technology and other staff from academic and central units along with members of the EEE team. Its goal is to maximize learning management system features to create a rich academically-focused digital environment that comprises tools and services that enhance the instructor, student and campus experience.
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Learning Management Directions Review Team
EEE Canvas has its roots in a pilot project recommended by the Learning Management Directions Review Team (LMDRT) during Fall 2012 and Winter 2013. The LMDRT was jointly commissioned by the Dean of Undergraduate Education and the Chief Information Officer. It was reconvened in March 2014 to review analysis by OIT’s EEE Development Team which suggested Canvas as a direction to pursue.
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