Canvas Updates, 4-22-2017

Instructure provided two updates: streamlined selection of dashboard view options, and new text messaging notification options for students….

Canvas Updates, 4-1-2017

In this release, Canvas provided a major update to the Chat tool and instructors can now see the title of assignments within the student context card….

Canvas Updates, 3-11-2017

In this update, Canvas provided visual clarity for the completion of peer reviews in discussions, and a mechanism to add captions to an uploaded media file throughout the system….

Canvas Updates, 2/18/2017

In this update, Canvas released a new mechanism to see information about a student and interact with that student, and a new discussion setting….

EEE Canvas Updates, 2017-01-28

Canvas has been updated with enhanced functionality, including group creation in an assignment, updated setting for recurring calendar events, mastery paths assignment description, and updated icons. …