Spring Quarter Instruction

Dear UCI Community –

We write today to provide an update on spring quarter instruction, which will follow the same general plans as fall/winter quarter. 

Most undergraduate courses will be taught remotely. Any in-person courses will require approval consistent with the latest public health guidance.

Graduate courses will be allowed to be held in-person with appropriate public health practices and procedures in place assuming we are in “red tier” or better. Course-related field work and practicums for graduate work will maintain the same procedures as for Winter, with authority to approve those resting with the Schools in which those courses live.

Regular updates will be provided as to which courses, if any, will be offered in-person.

The latest student resources continue to be available on the UCI Forward Website

Michael Dennin
Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning
Dean, Division of Undergraduate Education

Gillian Hayes
Vice Provost for Graduate Education
Dean of the Graduate Division