Live Group Proctoring
Live Zoom proctoring can be used to proctor a variety of exam types (e.g., Canvas quizzes without Respondus, paper exams). Zoom proctored exams allow students to take their tests synchronously from a remote location.
Note that students will see each other in the Zoom meeting; the smaller the group, the better. Students also should not be asked to share their exam screens in the proctored Zoom session. This is most suitable for paper-based timed exams in which students must complete their exam in a handwritten form.
Guidelines for instructors
Zoom proctoring allows instructors and TAs to observe students from their webcams during exams; however, there are items that require consideration.
The instructional team should understand that Zoom proctoring is a deterrent for academic dishonesty. To protect students’ privacy, Zoom proctoring should not include environmental checks. The instructional team may not ask students to show their testing environment at any time during the proctored exam. Students may not be asked by the instructional team to share their screens at any time during the proctored exam.
Zoom recordings are not allowed during Zoom proctored exams. The instructional team should log any issues that occur during the exam.
Faculty and TAs must be active proctors during the exam. Zoom does not offer automated proctoring features.
When checking student photo IDs, students should conceal personal information except for their full name and photo.
Here are some recommendations for managing Zoom proctoring:
- Split class into separate Zoom meetings (not breakout rooms)
- Email the students the instructions
- Invite students to different Zoom meetings (easiest to do this alphabetically)Have a separate room for students who have registered with Disability Services Center for accommodations. Email these students to see if they are okay with being in the same Zoom room.
- Last name A-F: (Give the first Zoom meeting id)
- Last name G-M: (Give a second Zoom meeting id)
- Last name N-Z: (Give a third Zoom meeting id)
Depending on your class size and number of TAs or proctors, consider dividing the class into additional, more manageable meeting rooms
- Assign one TA per Zoom meeting ID. Use the TAs meeting room so they can be the host of the meeting
- Email TAs the Exam instructions to read beforehand (so all students get the same information)
- Include all exam policies such as length of test, bathroom breaks, etc.
- Have TAs check UCI IDs before the test starts
- Be sure to give TAs a list of students in their Zoom meeting room
- Allocate at least 30 minutes at the start of the session to check student IDs
- Have TAs use the list of students to write down any proctoring concerns next to the student’s name. This information can be relayed to the Office of Academic Integrity & Student Conduct if necessary
Guidelines for TAs
- Turn off the private chat setting. Students should only be permitted to chat with the host.
Click on Chat in the lower toolbar, click the ellipse (…) icon on the right side (by where you can type.) You can then change: “Participants can chat with” to “host only” - Check IDs:
- Make sure you have a list of the students assigned to your Zoom meeting
- Mute all participants (go to Manage Participants in lower toolbar)
- Select Speaker View (upper right corner). This way, when students speak, they will move to full screen. You need this to check IDs
- Call out a student’s name
- Have students unmute themselves and say “here” when you call their name (then they will come to full screen). Ask them to cover their Student ID # when showing their ID to you (to protect their privacy)
- After you go through the list, ask if anyone’s name was not called
- During the exam:
- Mute yourself when the exam begins
- Use both “speaker view” and “tile view”
- Tell students to use the private “chat” to communicate with you
- When either you or students talk, the entire class can hear
- If you are concerned while proctoring, send a private chat to the student. If they do not see your chat, unmute yourself and say, “[student name], please check your chat,” and then re-mute yourself. Write down the timestamp and what you saw. You can move the student to a breakout room with only that student in the room
Guidelines for Students
Before the exam:
- Technical requirements: Computer or phone with a webcam, Speakers, Microphone
- Software:
Notify your instructor ahead of time if you cannot meet these requirements or need an alternative format.
At the time of the exam:
- Have your phone/computer plugged into a power source
- Log into Zoom through UCI SSO (Single Sign-On).
- Launch the Zoom application on your computer.
- Click “Sign in with SSO.”
- Under company domain, enter “uci”
- You will be redirected to UCI WebAuth. Enter your UCInetID and password here. After logging in on this page, your Zoom application should log in automatically.
- Click on your profile image in the top right corner. If you are properly signed in, the drop-down menu will say “LICENSED”. If your drop-down menu says “BASIC”, you are incorrectly logged in.
- Click Join + to enter the meeting ID provided to you by your instructor.
- Have your UCI ID card available to show the TA. Please cover your Student ID # with your finger when you show your ID
- When the TA calls your name, unmute yourself and say “hello!” to the TA
Be sure to speak after you unmute yourself. Talking brings you forward on the TA’s Zoom which makes it so the TA can see you and your ID clearly.
During the exam:
- Keep your video webcam ON for the duration of the exam.
- Keep yourself muted unless otherwise directed by the instructor/TA/proctor.
- Use the hand-raise cue in the Participants panel to signal if you have a question.
- Always uphold integrity, and follow the guidelines established by your instructor.