Reusing & Sharing Course Content

Reuse course content

Canvas provides several features to make it easy to both reuse content from previous course spaces and share course content with other instructors.

You can easily copy an existing course into a new course, or copy specific types of content:

Share course content with others

Share via file

If you want to easily share an entire course with another instructor, consider this workflow:

  1. You: Export the course space
  2. You: Share the file with the other instructor using Microsoft OneDrive or Google Drive
  3. Other instructor: Import into an existing course space

Share via a sandbox

Or, if you want to let other instructors explore your course space but don’t want to grant them TA access, consider creating a Canvas Sandbox and importing your course into that sandbox.

Additional sharing option: Canvas Commons

Canvas also features Canvas Commons, which can be used to easily access content and courses shared by other instructors using Canvas. You can find content across institutions or limit search results to UC Irvine.