DTEI Support for Instruction

The Division of Teaching Excellence and Innovation will be providing a range of resources to support transition to fall teaching. A regularly updated list with brief descriptions can be found below.

DTEI Flipped/Hybrid Learning Workshop Series

This series of workshops will be offered between July 26th and September 10th. Geared towards assisting faculty in transitioning their remote courses to a hybrid or in-person format, they are also aimed at faculty interested in leveraging their remote courses to generate Senate-approved online courses.

The 2021 Digital Learning Institute Certification 

Note: Certification is not required for participation – faculty not interested in becoming certified can attend as few or as many workshops as they like.

To become certified, faculty must:

    • Attend at least 4 workshops (1st one is required)
    • Develop a flipped/hybrid teaching plan (a courses planning worksheet or template will be provided)
    • Develop a Canvas site structure
    • Complete one of the following:
      • A one page teaching reflection about course redesign for flipped hybrid teaching
      • A 5 min showcase presentation

Learn more about the 2021 DLI, including how to apply for the certification →

DTEI Faculty Working Groups

Get ready for fall quarter with the support of colleagues and guidance from the Division of Teaching Excellence and Innovation! Working groups are made up of 4-5 faculty of similar disciplines and class sizes and meet on a weekly basis. Groups are provided recommendations and goals in designing a hybrid or in-person course for fall as well as meetings with DTEI experts. In addition, we will be highlighting some technology tools to enhance student engagement and success including Perusall, Gradescope, EdPuzzle, Mentimeter, and more!

1. Hybrid Teaching Working Group (4 week program)

This working group is for faculty who will be teaching using a hybrid format during Fall 2021.

In this group, we will be going over best practices for balancing in-person and online instruction using synchronous and asynchronous techniques. This includes creating an equitable course structure while maintaining rigor, utilizing Learning Assistants (LAs) to enhance learning, and leveraging technology while promoting student success.

Working groups will meet on four consecutive Wednesdays from 12pm-2pm starting July 7th.

2. In-Person Teaching Working Group (4 week program)

This working group is for faculty who will be teaching in-person during Fall 2021.

In this group, we will be going over how to leverage your remote teaching materials for in-person instruction. This includes potentially using a flipped classroom format, where the students preview the material before coming to class, freeing up in-class time to go deeper into topics and have more meaningful discussions.

Working groups will meet on four consecutive Wednesdays from 12pm-2pm starting August 4th.

Sign ups are now available!

Webinars will be offered by both DTEI and OIT throughout the summer. More information can be found on the EEE+ EdTechTools Webinars page.

DTEI Office Hours

  • Instructional Designers
    • Opportunity to get 1-on-1 assistance with their course development
  • DTEI Faculty Fellows
    • Discuss ideas with experienced faculty
    • Ask questions, see examples, try out technology

A variety of programs and resources are available to support the Fall transition. This tab will be updated throughout Spring and Summer to link directly to them.

Resources for Supporting Remote Students

During the 2021/22 academic year, some students may need to remotely attend in-person courses due to health and travel restrictions. Different levels of support will be available depending on the needs of the students and faculty and style of the course.

Read more about Resources for Supporting Students With Approved Exceptions →

DTEI Graduate Fellows

The DTEI graduate fellow resources are available to support faculty in preparing for teaching in the 2021-2022 academic year. The DTEI Summer 2021 website describes more about this program. 

Self-Paced Graduate Pedagogy Resources

Videos, other online materials specifically geared towards virtual and in-person instruction by graduate students (smaller enrollment courses, discussion sections, etc) will be available soon.

Online Resources

A Canvas site will be available for faculty to access on their own schedule to help prepare both in-person/hybrid and online courses. The site will be home to workshop recordings, teaching samples/templates, best practices guidelines and resources, and other prepared materials.

In addition, Canvas templates will be provided for faculty to set up their Canvas course sites.

More information will be available soon.