There are a number of new features and bug fixes that were released by Instructure. These include a new grading option for assignments, the look and feel of SpeedGrader, and auto-save of draft assignment comments within SpeedGrader.

Assignments: New grading option 

Provided by Instructure

Instructors can now opt to create an assignment that will not be included in the calculation of the final grade.

Exclude assignment from final grade calculation

The Gradebook displays a warning icon for assignments that do not apply to the final grade. Selected assignments are excluded from Gradebook calculations in the Total Grade column. The student Grades page also displays the same icon showing the assignment does not apply to the final grade.

Please note that this change only applies to assignments, and not quizzes or graded discussions.


SpeedGrader: Look and Feel

Provided by Instructure

SpeedGrader now has a new look and feel. The icons have been updated and the location of the features have been rearranged. All the same functionality is present, but the interface looks new.

SpeedGrader Update 2016-08-06

The primary navigation buttons have been moved to the right side of the menu bar to be more closely associated with the most frequently used features in SpeedGrader. Navigating from student to student is now located directly above the sidebar.

The less frequently used navigation buttons have been moved to the left side of the menu bar: return to the Gradebook, mute the assignment, view keyboard shortcuts, view the help menu, and change Gradebook settings.

Assignment details (assignment name, due date, and course name) and grading statistics are in the middle of the menu bar.


SpeedGrader: Drafts of comments are now saved

Provided by Instructure

If an instructor creates a comment in SpeedGrader and navigates to another submission without submitting the comment, or refreshes the page, SpeedGrader autosaves the comment and notifies the instructor it has been saved as a draft. The instructor can go back to the student’s submission and submit the comment at a later time. Comments cannot be viewed by students when in draft.

Note: Currently, draft comments cannot be edited, but they can be deleted or submitted at any time.