Remote Exam Monitoring & Proctoring Options

Instructors are encouraged to remind their classes that students should complete their exams independently and without assistance and so are encouraged to take their exams in a room with no one else present.

Several proctoring services use a combination of video recording and machine learning/AI to detect potential cheating. Use of biometric technologies holds broad privacy implications and should not be used except where the service is provided through an authorized vendor.

Current approved remote exam proctoring options are:

These products monitor individual students and behaviors using video and video analysis during a remote exam to preserve its integrity. Before using this software, instructors should notify students that they will be recorded. Use this language: “This program uses video recording or other personal information capture for the purpose of facilitating the course and/or test environment. Pursuant to the terms of the agreement with UCI, the data is used solely for this purpose and any vendor is prohibited from redisclosing this information. UCI also does not use the data for any other purpose. Students who wish to opt-out need to contact the Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning at 949 824 3291.”

Instructors are encouraged to contact the Division of Teaching Excellence and Innovation and the Academic Integrity Office to discuss privacy-protective alternatives, including how to use question banks (in Canvas).

Instructors may choose to assess their students in ways other than traditional testing that would require proctoring.

The Assessment Strategies & Tools suggests several alternative assessment approaches, including open exams, papers, peer reviewed work, and more.

Or, the Alternate Assessment Framework details another, multi-part approach to assessment, with information on designing the assessment as well as grading it.

    Remotely administered exams are currently supported by two campus-provided digital learning tools: 1) Zoom, and 2) Respondus Monitoring. 

    Note: In order to deliver exams or quizzes online, a good practice is to create or recreate them using the Canvas Quiz tool. Canvas has a number of tools that can provide for more secure online assessment. For more information on creating your first Quiz, please start with this guide provided by Canvas.

    About Self-Service Zoom Proctoring

    Live proctoring that mirrors the in-person experience has been successfully used at a number of campuses with Zoom utilizing regular instructional resources.

    The Academic Testing Center can provide consultations about setting up self-service Zoom proctoring. Please contact for further information.

    Learn more about Self-Service Zoom Proctoring

    Note that students will be required to have a webcam and be using a Windows, macOS, or Chromebook computer. 

    Learn more about exam monitoring using Respondus →

    Remote Assessment Considerations

    Information from the Office of the Vice Provost for Teaching & Learning around remote assessment pedagogy, tools, and techniques.

    Self-Service Zoom Proctoring

    Learn how to conduct live proctoring using Zoom