SEMinars are back! Jan 27 – Pole figures

Informal discussion groups will be held on an irregular basis on Wednesdays at noon in Room 1322 in Calit2.  These are designed to be tutorial in nature.  Bring questions.  I will plan a brief opening talk with Powerpoint slides but quickly transition into an open discussion.

Jan 27 – Pole figures – what are they – with reference to the Mambo program for analyzing EBSD patterns.  Relevant to all EBSD users.

Feb 3 – Specimen preparation for SEM, EDS, and EBSD.  A discussion on specimen preparation for powders will be included if requested.

Feb 10 – Make suggestions… e-mail

XRD machine Problem 1/20/2010 fixed on 1/29/2010

Hi, XRD users,

 A X-ray diffractometer problem occurred this morning. After a brief check, I found that the problem might be associated with the X-ray generating system. I will talk with a service engineer to diagnose the reasons for the XRD problem  tomorrow. The XRD machine will be down till it is fixed. I will add comments to this news to keep you posted as the XRD status changes.

Jian-Guo Zheng

Microscopy and Microanalysis 2010

M&M 2010 will be held in Portland, OR from August 1-5.  Meeting info is on the MSA ( site that can be found from our LEXI links tab.


This is the preeminent microscopy conference and it’s not that far to Portland.  And if you are presenting there, you might as well practice by presenting to your local society, SCSMM.  SCSMM deadline is Feb 5.  Meeting is March 11.  See earlier post on this blog.

TEM CCD camera Jan 8/removed Feb 1/Loaner camera installed OK

TEM users:
TEM CCD camera lost some functions, but it is still working well at binning 1. Please use binning 1 instead of binning 2, 3 and 4. The image size for binning 1 is very big (11Mb for each image) , so please record TEM images only when necessary.

We will repair the camera and have it fully functional soon. If you have any questions, you may contact Dr. Zheng.

SCSMM All Day Symposium – March 11 – Call for papers

Southern California Society for Microscopy and Microanalysis Spring Symposium

The SCSMM will be holding its annual All-Day Symposium on March 11 at Caltech.  Our keynote speaker for the meeting will be Dr. Nicholas Ritchie of NIST talking about Desktop Spectrum Analyser II.  Dr. Ritchie is the MAS Tour Speaker.

SCSMM would like to invite local microscopists and microanalysts to submit titles and brief abstracts for both platform and poster presentations.  We will endeavor to offer a broad range of topics including both physical and biological sciences, SEM, TEM, FIB, and microanalysis themed talks.

The format will be similar to last year’s successful meeting at UCLA at which we had a combination of professional technical talks, student platform presentations and posters, and vendor talks.  We will initially offer one student platform slot for each local university.  Awards will be offered for the best student platform presentation ($500) and the best student poster presentation ($300) to support travel to M&M 2010 to be held in Portland, OR.  We ask that each university internally select their student for the platform presentation.

Please sent titles and abstracts to

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all LEXI users.  The year is starting out being very busy in our labs.  Everything is currently up and running and we look forward to training new users.  We also look forward to helping enhance the skills of our experienced users.

Our web site has undergone some extensive revision recently – thanks to Mai Ng – and we ask for your feedback as to how we can make the site better meet your needs.  Please let us know.