TEM CCD camera down on 3/23/2012 and up on 4/4/2012

TEM CCD camera was down today. Gatan engineer did an on-line diagnosis and concluded that the A/D board was out of order. The problem is the same as the one occurred last month. Gatan is going to repair it without any charge. I have asked Gatan to ship a loaner camera to us so that TEM down time can be reduced. I have emailed Gatan contact and am waiting for her response.

Quanta 3D Stage issue on 3/16

The multi-stub holder is locked into the stage mount so it cannot be removed. If you only need to use the multi-stub holder, the instrument will work fine, as normal. But if you need to use the single stub holder or the TEM prep holder, you will have to wait until the part is replaced. The target date to fix this is Mon, 3/19. An update will come when it is fixed.