As of Tues afternoon. You may proceed with your sessions as normal.
Month: July 2012
Quanta 3D is down on 7/28/2012
Vacuum error was reported. I just checked the SEM. It seems that CCG1 was not functional. Informed FEI engineeer. Waiting for FEI response…
Magellan is down on 7/28/2012
It was reported that no signal was from ETD and TLD detector. I just checked the SEM. The SEM signal is very weak although the emission and SEM alignment looks fine. FEI engineer has been contacted. Waiting for FEI response.
Magellan Back Up, 1pm 7/27
The stage problem has been fixed. The instrument should run as normal.
Magellan Down on 7/26/2012 and up at 1pm on 7/27/2012
Stage error. Contacted FEI on-line assistance. The problem was not solved. An on-site serice request has been placed. Waiting for FEI service engineer contacting me to schedule the service.
Quanta 3D down on 7/4/2012 and up on 7/5/2012
Water leakage was reported this morning. I found that the leakage was from a hose which connects the chiller and the SEM. Engineer will replace the hose tomorrow.
Magellan SEM down (7/3/2012 late afternoon) and up on 7/5/2012, More problems found on 7/6/2012 and fully up on 7/11/2012
A user accidently turned off the SEM power at about 6:30pm on 7/3/2012. Vacuum was recovered after 1 hr, but there was no emission from the gun. FEI engineer will be on campus to reset the system in the morning of Thursday (7/5/2012).
Twin jet polisher has a problem on 7/2/2012 and solved on 7/10/2012
Twin jet polisher has a problem. The electrolyte is leaking when the pump is on. Emailed the manufacturer. Waiting for response