The Smartlab is having a error message related to its X-ray generator this morning.
Working on troubleshooting…..
Current news from IMRI facilities
The Smartlab is having a error message related to its X-ray generator this morning.
Working on troubleshooting…..
The qucikloader had a problem (jammed).
Quanta 3D SEM/FIB is working. However, Quanta 3D ion beam image resolution is not as good as before. FEI engineer is trouble shooting to find the problem related part. This issue should not prevent users from using it. Please read comment for more updates.
Recent events: a leakage was found from Pt GIS. A new Pt GIS is installed today. The leakage problem is solved. A full FIB alignment was done last week.
The Smartlab is operational now. The issue is solved.
The XG control warning alarm was shown up. X-ray tube may need to be replaced. Working on it…
The water chiller stopped working this morning. Checking the problem with vendor.
I have asked FEI engineer to improve the image resolution at low kV (1kV). FEI engineer may reserve the instrument from time to time. Alignment was done today and an aperture was changed. I will test it later.