Registration Open for Fall Microscopy Meeting (SCSMM) on Nov. 8

Please see the forwarded message below and links to the announcement and registration.

Fall 2012 Meeting AnnouncmentSCSMM Registration Form


Dear Fellow Microscopist,

Please find attached the “electronic” version of our Newsletter / Meeting Announcement as well as a Membership Application for the coming year.  Inside, you will find the details of our next meeting, to be held on November 8, 2012 in Pasadena.  The featured speaker will be Dr. Dan Lewis of the Huntington Library speaking on the Library’s microscopy collection.

If you would like to continue to receive the print version of the newsletter, please reply to this email to Mike Pickford ( We hope to see you all at the meeting.


Your SCSMM Board

Quanta 3D Stage issue on 3/16

The multi-stub holder is locked into the stage mount so it cannot be removed. If you only need to use the multi-stub holder, the instrument will work fine, as normal. But if you need to use the single stub holder or the TEM prep holder, you will have to wait until the part is replaced. The target date to fix this is Mon, 3/19. An update will come when it is fixed.

FEI Quanta EDS Capabilities Limited

Due to the recent software upgrade conducted on the Quanta, the EDS system cannot acquire an image for use in Point&Shoot, Mapping, etc. You can still acquire an overall spectrum for the field of view that you are scanning with the SEM, but you won’t be able to sync it up with an image. Keep this limited capability in mind if you wish to use EDS. A call has been put into Oxford to correct this problem.