Magellan Problem on 11/2/2015

Magellan SEM has a problem. UC mode and KV below 5 are currently not available due to no image with VC0. As a possible source of these issues & interference, the FEG module will be changed. Currently, the FEG module is currently on backorder awaiting a more firm ETA. The SEM is still usable. I tested the SEM today. Here is my suggestion. if you want to get good SEM images, you may use following conditions: 10kV, 50pA, TLD and Immersion lens. For EBL, you may use the same condition as you normally use.

The Kratos Supra is down Oct 20 2015 and up on Nov. 10 2015

Hi, All Supra users:


The Supra XPS is down due to the X-ray emission current issue. We are contacting the Kratos service for solution. (Oct 20)

We received feedback from Kratos today (Oct 26) that the X-ray filament in the SAC has to been replaced. The Kratos is arranging an engineer to visit us this week (probably on Wed, 28th) to solve the issue. Will keep you updated.

The X-ray filament was replaced on Nov. 4. The system was pumped and baking 12hrs. The filament was checked good at vacuum e-7 Torr range.

The Supra system is scheduled to vent and shut off at the night Nov.6 due to the building cooling water shut-down in the morning of Nov. 7.

The Supra will be baked over weekend of Nov 8-9. We will re-condition and test the X-ray filament on the  Monday, Nov 9.

The Supra is up running today, Tuesday, Nov 10 2015.



Quanta 3D stage problem on 9/8/2015 and solved on 9/10/2015

A problem with Quanta 3D stage was reported today. I just checked the SEM and reported the problem to FEI engineer. One part could be out of order. FEI engineer will be on-site after the part is received. While waiting for the part, you may use it if you do not need to use stage rotation.




2015 SCCAVS Equipment Exhibition, Short Courses & Student Poster Session

2015 SCCAVS Equipment Exhibition, Short Courses & Student Poster Session 

Learn about the latest advances in vacuum products, technology, and science. Network with other key players in the So. Calif. technical community 

Tuesday, September 29, 2015
(Short Courses September 28 – 30) 
Holiday Inn – Buena Park 

Attendance to the Exhibiton is Free, and there is a Free Lunch between 12:00 and 1:00 pm!
Complementary Refreshments and Snacks between 4:00 and 6:00 pm.
Raffle for a Hi Tech item at 5:00 pm.

Student Poster Session – September 29, 4 to 6 pm, Marquis I

Attendance to the Student Symposium is Free!

Abstract submission deadline is September 10, 2015

Use the link below for the Call for Papers!

3D Image Visualization, Analysis & Model Generation for Materials Applications with Simpleware

Date/time: Thursday July 30th, 10am-12:00

Room: 3008 Calit2 building

Abstract:  3D Image Visualization, Analysis & Model Generation for Materials Applications with Simpleware

This technical seminar is aimed at those interested in visualizing, measuring and meshing of 3D image data to generate 3D Printing, CAD & Finite Element models for leading solvers.  We will demonstrate the ease of obtaining high fidelity meshes from 3D image data, discuss new features of the latest version, and will show the workflow of processing and meshing image data for a variety of applications.

Grain boundary structure and interfacial complexions for the creation of tough, stable nanocrystalline metals

When: July 22nd at 3 PM

Where: Engineering Gateway, room 3161

by Amirhossein Khalajhedayati

Doctor of Philosophy in Materials Science and Engineering

University of California, Irvine, 2015

Professor Timothy J. Rupert, Chair

Nanocrystalline metals have been the focus of current literature due to their interesting mechanical properties.  This is a result of having nanometer sized grains and high volume fraction of grain boundaries.  While these materials have high strength, the large number of boundaries is also responsible for the limited ductility and thermal instability often observed for nanocrystalline systems.  Despite the current efforts in the literature, these challenges still prevent widespread use of nanocrystalline metals in real engineering applications.  In this thesis, we study these problems by focusing on tailoring the grain boundary structure and chemistry and propose a methodology that can be used to mitigate those challenges.  First, we study the plastic flow and failure as a function of grain boundary volume fraction (i.e., grain size) using microcompression in a nanocrystalline Ni-W.  Since grain boundary physics are extremely important here, we also study how the relaxation of nonequilibrium grain boundaries affects failure.  We show that nanocrystalline metals with larger grain boundary volume fractions and relaxed boundary structures are stronger, but also more likely to fail prematurely through catastrophic shear banding.  We also show that shear banding can create a dynamic microstructure leading to grain coarsening.  A major take-away from this work is that disordered grain boundaries can actually be beneficial.  Therefore, in the next study we introduce amorphous complexions, highly disordered grain boundaries, through grain boundary doping as an all-in-one solution to design against failure and thermal instability.  We use nanocrystalline Cu with the addition of Zr as our model system to explore complexion engineering in these materials.  High resolution transmission electron microscopy in conjunction with energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy demonstrates segregation of Zr to the boundaries of Cu-Zr alloys created with mechanical alloying.  This provided evidence for the formation of amorphous grain boundaries complexions under certain conditions.  Microcompression and in-situ bending experiments are then used to quantify the effect of doping on mechanical behavior.  Finally, our results show that strength, strain-to-failure, failure mode, and thermal stability can be controlled with boundary doping.  The proposed methodology described here is rather general and can be applied to other material systems to make bulk nanocrystalline metals with improved mechanical properties.