Nanoscience Inc presentation and demos

Dear LEXI users,

You are invited to attend a presentation of easy-to-use instruments for micro- to nanoscale materials visualization & characterization.  The event will take place on Monday, August 18 at 1:00 pm in the Calit2 Building, Room 3008.  Seating is limited, so please sign up in advance by using the link: Following the presentation, instrument demonstrations and refreshments will be offered until 6:00 pm.  If you have a sample that you wish to have analyzed, you may be invited to take part in one-on-one time during the remainder of the week.  Time slots are limited, so please indicate in the above link that you are interested in the one-on-one session. You will be contacted later. There will be three instruments on site. Here is their information copied from Nanoscience Instruments document: “Phenom Desktop Scanning Electron Microscope The world’s best desktop SEM provides unmatched image clarity and resolution. The Phenom SEM is fast & easy to use. It is the only vibration insensitive SEM. Advanced capabilities include elemental analysis (EDS/EDX), elemental mapping, 3D surface roughness reconstruction and fiber/pore/particle analysis.  For biological or wet samples, a temperature control sample holder, based on the Peltier principle, is also available. Zeta 3D Optical Profiler An innovative 3D optical profiling system for fast, non-contact, true-color imaging and quantitative analysis. High aspect ratio features, high roughness surfaces, and high and low reflectivity samples can be measured. Advanced features include reflectometry, interferometry and automated mapping & defect analysis. Atomic Force Microscopes Our AFMs are easy to use and include a variety of imaging modes. The FlexAFM and new C3000 controller excel at imaging in air and liquid and feature a scanner that is linear, flat and fast. Check out our new traxAFM, a portable all-in-one AFM. Micromechanical Testers & Manipulators Micro/nano-mechanical testing & manipulation tools are employed for diverse applications in both air and vacuum, e.g. MEMS testing, force sensing, compression & tensile testing, pick and place operations, electrical probing, and more. For additional product and application information, please see: “

Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Dr. Jian-Guo Zheng

Instrumentation Overview: Monday, August 18th, 1:00 2:00 pm in Room #3008, Followed by demonstrations in Room #3414

Have Your Samples Analyzed: Tues, Aug. 19 Thurs, Aug. 21, Preregistration Is required. Please contact us to reserve your time slot.

RSVP to Joe Grech,


Thermo Scientific Spectroscopic Imaging Workshop on 8/20/2014

Dear LEXI users:

Thermo Scientific Spectroscopic Imaging Workshop hosted by LEXI will be held in room 3008 Calit2 on August 20th, 2014. This whole day workshop is free with lunch provided. As the world leader in spectroscopy, engineers from Thermo Scientific will show you some of advanced imaging tools including New DXRxi Raman Imaging Microscope, the iN10 Infrared Imaging Microscope and System 7 Microanalyzer with Quantitative Hyper-spectral Imaging. If you are interested in this workshop, please sign up using the link:

Pre-registration is required. I am going to email the full workshop program and registration link only to those who sign up in the above good doc.

This is a good opportunity. I wish to see you there.

Best, Jian-Guo


8:30 –  9:00:      Coffee and Networking

9:00 –  9:30:      Spectroscopic Imaging Contrast

9:30 – 10:15:     Raman Imaging

10:15 – 11:00:   EDS Imaging in SEM /TEM

11:00 – 11:45:   Infrared Microscopy

12:00 – 12:45:   Lunch (provided)

13:00 –  15:30:  Break-out sessions

Group 1:   Live demo of the new DXRxi      Raman Microscope *

Group 2:   Live demo of the System 7 EDS System on FEI XL30 FE SEM *

_*Customer samples accepted for analysis, time permitting

If you have sign up in the google doc, you do not need to register again, otherwise you may

registrate using the link

Location: 3008 CALIT2 Building, University of California, Irvine

For more information, contact:

Breanne Lopata (Raman, FT/IR, Near-IR & NMR),, 630-885-0276

Joe Robinson (Microanalysis & XPS),, 503-327-925



Quick loader problem on 8/11/2014 and fixed on 8/12/2014

Hi, Magellan Users:

It was reported that there was a quick loader problem this morning. It could not be fixed by a simple way. Please use the front door to load the sample till further notice. You may still use the same sample holder as used for quick loader. The sample stage should be moved close to the door before sample loading/unloading.  You may read the SEM SOP for stage position if you have any questions.

I am waiting for the service contract PO to be issued by the campus. Then I will have a FEI engineer fix the quick loader.



Magellan SEM problem with the quickloader on June 16 and fixed on June 30


Magellan SEM  users:

I was just reported that the glass lid of the Quickloader on Magellan SEM was broken. I am going to contact FEI and get the glass lid replaced. Before the lid is replaced, users should not touch the quickloader.

I have changed the SEM stage to a single stub holder. All SEM samples must be loaded from front door of the SEM till further notice. There is a SOP folder on the table as a reference. If you did not use the front door to load the sample, please contact me or Tim so that one of us may teach you and stay with you for your first time sample loading and unloading.

If you have any questions, please let me know.



Magellan SEM problem with UC mode on 6/8/2014 and fixed on 6/10/2014

I was reported that the Magellan SEM generated a cross-over alignment issue in the afternoon of last Friday. I just did an alignment and fixed the cross-over issue. I obtained good images at different kVs (tested at 1, 5, 10, 30kVs) with different detectors ( ETD and TLD) and lenses ( field free and immersion lens). So the SEM should be OK now.

When I was doing the alignment, I found that UC mode had a problem.  I could not get the beam in UC mode so I could not go through the complete alignment. Please do not use UC mode and you may have to spend a little more time for lens alignment and astigmatism correction as trained. I have contacted FEI engineer. He may come on Tuesday.

Please read the comments on LEXI blog for updates.

