2014 SCSMM Spring Metting

Subject: SCSMM – Call for Student Talks and Posters

Dear Fellow Microscopist,

Please find our invitation below for students from Southern California universities to present their work at the SCSMM full-day Symposium to be held on February 8, 2014 at the University of California Irvine.
As is our tradition, the best platform presentation will be awarded $500 and the best poster will be awarded $300. These awards are to support travel to the national M&M Meeting, this year to be held in Hartford, CT (August 3-7, 2014).

More information on abstract submission and deadlines can be found in the file attached.
Examples of submitted abstracts from the last full-day symposium can be found on our website:



Your SCSMM Board

Call for Student Talks and Posters
SCSMM Symposium, Saturday February 8th, 2014
Calit2 Auditorium, University of California, Irvine
All students attending Southern California universities are invited to submit titles and brief abstracts (~200 words plus one optional JPG image) to present their work at the SCSMM All-day Symposium to be held at Calit2 Auditorium, UCI on February 8th, 2014. Five submissions will be selected as 15 minute platform presentations. All others will be invited to present posters describing their work.
As is our tradition, the best platform presentation will be awarded $500 and the best poster will be awarded $300. These awards are to support travel to the national M&M Meeting, this year to be held in Hartford, CT (August 3-7, 2014).
Please submit abstracts to:
The subject line should read – SCSMM Student Presentation
The content should include:
Name, e-mail address and affiliation (institution, department).
Preference for platform or poster presentation (students requesting a platform presentation may be asked to submit a poster as only five platform presentations are scheduled).
Presentation title.
A ~200 word abstract.
(Optional) an image after the text of the abstract and not exceeding one page. See examples of submitted abstracts from the last year symposium on our website:
Deadline for submission – January 24
Notifications of acceptance will be e-mailed by January 31.

The UltimaIII is down on 12/10/2013

The CBO unit (Cross Beam Optic) may have issues at the UltimaIII. This unit is currently being shipped to Rigaku Japan factory for diagnosis and test. The UltimaIII is down now. The diagnosis, repairment and shippment for CBO may take a few weeks in total. Once this unit is delivered back to us, I will let you know.

Please try to sign up your XRD experiments at Smartlab. Feel free to let me know if you have questions.

LEXI TEM lectures

To help LEXI users understand TEM literatures and operations, 4 lectures as listed below have been scheduled for Nov 14, 19, 21, 26. The lecture time is between 12:30 to 2pm. Lecture room is 1322 Calit2.
Here are the lecture titles:
Lecture1: TEM electron optics- principles and operations
Lecture2: Electron diffraction- principles and applications
Lecture3: TEM image contrast mechanisms
Lecture4: TEM specimen preparation by using FIB techniques

SCSMM – Fall Meeting Announcement, November 7, 2013

From: Rambaldi, Diana [mailto:drambaldi@lacma.org]
Sent: Friday, October 18, 2013 6:19 PM
Subject: SCSMM – Fall Meeting Announcement, November 7, 2013

Dear Fellow Microscopist,

Please find attached our Newsletter / Meeting Announcement detailing our upcoming Fall meeting which will be held on November 7, 2013 at the University of Southern California. The meeting will start at 5:30 pm.

Our fall meeting will be dedicated to the UCLA California NanoSystem Institute (CNSI). The featured speakers will be Dr. Paul Weiss, Director of CNSI, Fred Kavli Chair in NanoSystem Sciences, Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry & Materials Science and Engineering at UCLA, and Dr. Adam Stieg, Scientific Director of the Nano & Pico Characterization Laboratory at CNSI.

In order to register, please contact Mark Armitage by email at micromark@juno.com. Please state how many will be attending.
Respond no later than 5:00 p.m. Monday, November 4th, 2013.

Membership dues can be paid at the door on November 7, 2013.

We hope to see you all at the meeting.


Your SCSMM Board

EBSD problem on 9/20/2013 and fixed on 10/3/2013

After the EDS detector was taken away for repair, the EBSD software could not work properly. Oxford application engineer suggested several methods to fix the problem, but they did not work. Finally, EBSD service engineer called me back and checked the system with me on Friday. She concluded that the software was corrupted. I will reinstall the software. Waiting for detailed instructions.