Call for Student Talks and Posters for SCSMM 2012

Call for Student Talks and Posters
SCSMM Symposium, Saturday March 3, 2012
Beckman Institute Auditorium, Caltech

All students attending Southern California universities are invited to submit titles and brief abstracts (~200 words plus one optional JPG image) to present their work at the SCSMM All-day Symposium to be held at CalTech on March 3, 2012. Five submissions will be selected as 15 minute platform presentations. All others will be invited to present posters describing their work.
As is our tradition, the best platform presentation will be awarded $500 and the best poster will be awarded $300. These awards are to support travel to the national M&M Meeting, this year to be held in Phoenix (July 29 – August 2). 2nd and 3rd place runners up will receive student memberships in either MSA or MAS.
New: the best presentation and the best poster at SCSMM will be offered a second opportunity for presentation at M&M thanks to the M&M Program Committee.
Please submit abstracts to:
The subject line should read – SCSMM Student Presentation
The content should include:
Name, e-mail address and affiliation.
Preference for platform or poster presentation (students requesting a platform presentation may be asked to submit a poster as only five platform presentations are scheduled).
Presentation title.
A ~200 word abstract.
(Optional) an attached JPG image file.
Deadline for submission – January 30
Notifications of acceptance will be e-mailed by February 6.

FEI-Oxford Instruments Joint Symposium on FEI Quanta 3D FEG Dualbeam, Oxford EDS/EBSD and related Specimen Preparation Techniques

Dear current and potential users of UCI materials characterization facilities:

To take full advantage of the FEI Quanta 3D FEG SEM equipped with Oxford Instrument EDS/EBSD and the related specimen preparation facility, you are invited to attend the FEI-Oxford Instruments Joint Symposium on FEI Quanta 3D FEG Dualbeam, Oxford EDS/EBSD and related Specimen Preparation Techniques. Application engineers from both FEI and Oxford instruments are invited to give lectures and demos on principle, applications and operations of this instrument and related attachments. Dr. Scott Walck is invited to talk about specimen preparation techniques. Details are listed below. It is free to attend the lectures and demos of this symposium. Because of limited time and space, the number of people for demos could be limited. First come, first served. Please sign up in the Google spreadsheet as indicated below.
If you have any question, please email Dr. Jian-Guo Zheng (
FEI-Oxford Instruments Joint Symposium on FEI Quanta 3D FEG Dualbeam, Oxford EDS/EBSD and related Specimen Preparation Techniques
Venue: Room 3008/ Auditorium Calit2 Building, UCI
Date: Jan 12-13, 2012

Thurs. Jan 12, 2012
8:30-9:00 Breakfast
9:00-9:10 Prof. Matt Law (UCI)
Current UCI materials characterization facilities and future development plan
9:10-9:50 Marc Castagna (FEI)
FEI Quanta 3D FEG dual-beam system: SEM principle and applications
9:50-10:30 Marc Castagna (FEI)
FEI Quanta 3D FEG dual-beam system: FIB principle and applications
10:30-10:45 Coffee break
10:45-11:25 Scott Sitzman (Oxford Instruments)
Introduction to EBSD
11:25-12:05 Dr. Scott Walck
Specimen preparation for SEM, EBSD and TEM
12:05-13:05 Lunch
13:05-13:45 Calit2 Microscopy Center tour and discussion with FEI and Oxford instrument engineers in 1302 Calit2 building
13:45-14:30 Marc Castagna_ (FEI)
New Development in FEI: Magellan™ XHR SEM
14:30-15:10 Scott Sitzman (Oxford Instruments)
What is new in Oxford instruments: EDS and EBSD
15:10-15:25 coffee break
15:25-17:00 FEI operation demo and Oxford EDS/EBSD (software) demo in 1302 Calit2 building

Fri. Jan 13, 2012
8:30-9:00 Breakfast
9:00-9:40 Marc Castagna (FEI)
Advanced applications of FEI Quanta 3D FEG: Slice & View, TEM specimen preparation, auto-FIB, STEM
9:40-10:20 Marc Castagna (FEI)
Advanced applications of FEI Quanta 3D FEG: biology, medicine and geology
10:20-10:35 Coffee break
10:35-11:15 Scott Sitzman (Oxford Instruments)
Advanced applications of EBSD
11:15-12:15 Scott Sitzman (Oxford Instruments)
EDS and EBSD operation demo in 1302 Calit2 Building
12:15-13:15 Lunch
13:15-15: 15 Dr. Marc Castagna_ (FEI)
FEI advanced application demo in 1302 Calit2 Building

Lectures and Demo: Thermo EDS system

Dear EDS users:
I am pleased to tell you that the new Thermo EDS system installed on FEI/Philips XL-30 SEM has been running well for a month. This system has all advanced EDS features including line scan, elemental mapping and phase mapping. To help current/future users get the best out of the system, I have invited Thermo application engineer to give lectures and demos in a seminar. The full-day seminar will be held on Nov 17, 2011 in Calit2. The schedule is listed below:

9:00-9:45: Lecture (Room 3008 Calit2)
General introduction to Thermo EDS NSS system

9:50-10:30:Lecture (Room 3008 Calit2)
Advanced features in Thermo EDS NSS system

10:45-4pm: Thermo EDS NSS system Demo/training ( Room 140 Engineering Tower)

Attending the lectures is free. There is no limitation to the number of people to attend the lectures. However, because of small space of XL-30 SEM room, the number of people for the demo/training may be limited. Please sign up on the follow excel sheet if you want to attend this seminar. Please mark the demo column with Y if you need to attend the demo or you have a sample for the demo. The link to the sign-up sheet is listed below:

Thanks for your attention. You may forward this message to a person who may be interested in.

Best regards,

FEI Quanta 3D FEG: Changing ion source on Oct 18-19. Work done by 1pm Oct 19

The ion source has run for more than 2500 hrs and may shut down automatically. We decided to replace the current source with a new one. This will take two days.
Today the source was changed. The ion gun is being pumped down. Tomorrow, FEI engineer will align the gun. The system is expected to be full up by 4pm on Oct 19.

FEI Quanta EDS Capabilities Limited

Due to the recent software upgrade conducted on the Quanta, the EDS system cannot acquire an image for use in Point&Shoot, Mapping, etc. You can still acquire an overall spectrum for the field of view that you are scanning with the SEM, but you won’t be able to sync it up with an image. Keep this limited capability in mind if you wish to use EDS. A call has been put into Oxford to correct this problem.

FEI XL-30 SEM computer (Sept 19-21) and EDS system upgrade

FEI Engineer will upgrade the computer and imaging software for FEI XL-30 SEM from Sept 19 to 21. The EDS system upgrade will follow up. I will conduct a quick training to get current XL-30 SEM users familar with the new software soon.  I am going to inform all current users to sign up for the training.

Summer Calit2 TEM short course-August 30-31, 2011-3008 Calit2 Building

Dr. Jian-Guo Zheng is going to give a few lectures from August 30 to 31, 2011 in summer Calit2 TEM short course. It is free of charge to attend the lectures. The goal of the short course is to help existing and potential users of FEI CM-20 TEM understand basic principles and applications of transmission electron microscopy. More details are listed below. If you want to attend the short course, please sign up by August 29, 2011 in the google spreadsheet posted at

Summer Calit2 TEM short course
Date: August 30-31, 2011
Lecture room: 3008 Calit2 Building

August 30, 1pm-2pm, Lecture:Introduction to TEM,
August 30, 2pm-5pm, Lecture: Electron Diffraction
August 31, 9am-noon, Lecture: TEM Imaging
August 31, 1pm-5pm, Lecture: EDS and TEM specimen preparation