Dr. Zheng on vacation June 26-July 18

Hi, Facility users,

My vacation is from June 26 to July 18. You may email me during my vacation, but my response might be delayed because of limited access to my email in China. For urgent facility issues, please contact Dr. Porter for Zeiss center business and Mr. Minje Sun for MC2 business. Good luck!

24 Hour Cancellation Calendar Feature

Hello All,

As described on the LEXI website (also stated on the Reservation Policy for the Zeiss Center):

“A reservation cancelled within 24 hours will be charged at 50%.”

This means that a reservation may be edited and cancelled without penalty up to 24 hours prior to the reservation start time.

If you do not utilize the reserved instrument during your reservation and you were not able to cancel the reservation 24 hours prior, you will be billed for the reservation time at half rate (hours reserved*50% rate).

This policy is nothing new, as it has been in effect since August 2009 but not enforced due limitations in the calendar software.  Calendar upgrades now prohibit reservation event changes or cancellations attempted within 24 hours of the reservation.

Questions? Feel free to email us.

Congratulations to Mercè Dalmau (Prof. Szu-Wen Wang’s group

Congratulations to Mercè Dalmau (Prof. Szu-Wen Wang’s group). She published a paper “pH-Triggered Disassembly in a Caged Protein Complex” in Biomacromolecules in Oct 2009 (vol 10, iss 12, p3199-3206), where MC2 CM-20 TEM was used to reveal the structure and disassembly of the caged protein complex (see figures above). The results are significant progress toward the use of the caged protein complex as a drug delivery vehicle. This paper and related TEM images have been featured recently in “Research Highlights” of Biopolymers (Vol. 93, no. 2, 2010).
This has been her third paper since Dec 2008. Other two papers are “Thermostability and Molecular Encapsulation within an Engineered Caged Protein Scaffold” published in Biotechnology and Bioengineering in Oct 2008 (vol 101, iss 4, p554-664) and “Design of a pH-Dependent Molecular Switch in a Caged Protein Platform” in Nano Letters in Jan 2009 (vol 9, iss 1, p160-166). The former was highlighted in B&B’s “Spotlight” Feature and TEM images were selected as cover photo in December 2008 (see picture below).
It is a great achievement to publish three high quality papers in such a short period of time!

Biotechnology and Bioengineering cover photo in December 2008