Monthly Archives: May 2018

Solar Neutrinos and UC Irvine’s Reines Neutrino Group

Solar Neutrinos and UC Irvine’s Reines Neutrino Group This was intended to be a short lecture to the UC Irvine OLLI (Osher Lifelong Learning Institute) to accompany Alex Filippenko’s The Teaching Company lecture 49 of the series Understanding the Universe:  … Continue reading

Posted in Solar Neutrinos and UC Irvine | Leave a comment

Solar Fusion by Quantum Tunneling

Solar Fusion by Quantum Tunneling This is supposed to be a short OLLI (Osher Lifelong Learning Institute) lecture to accompany the Teaching Company Lecture 48 by Prof. Alex Filippenko.  His lecture is entitled “How Stars Shine — Nature’s Nuclear Reactors. … Continue reading

Posted in Fossil Fuel Energy, Nuclear Energy, Particle Physics, Renewable Energy, Solar Energy, Solar Fusion, Wind Energy | Leave a comment

Trump’s Lies: 3,000 X 3 X 23 X 2, or 3,000 X 2 X 2.8 million

Trump’s Lies: 3,000 X 3 X 23 X 2, or 3,000 X 2 X 2.8 million Let us look at the total effect of Trump’s lies by the end of his term of office, compounded by the best liars in … Continue reading

Posted in 2018 Midterm Election, Affairs of State, Air Quality, Congress, Constitution, Endangered Species Act, EPA, Humor, Politics, Regulations, Secrecy, Secretary of the Interior Zinke, Trump Administration, Trump Taxes, Trump Truthiness, White House | Tagged | Leave a comment

The Probability of Science-Based Science Fiction Scenarios in the History of the Universe

The Probability of Science-Based Science Fiction Scenarios in the History of the Universe Our thesis is that there are so many habitable planets, that essentially any scientifically allowable science fiction scenario will actually occur somewhere, sometime in the history of … Continue reading

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Trump Awards Himself “His” Nobel Peace Prize

Trump Awards Himself “His” Nobel Peace Prize In several talks in the last few days, Donald Trump, our erstwhile President, has claimed “His” Nobel Peace Prize, for being the one who brought the Korean War to an end, and denuclearized … Continue reading

Posted in Affairs of State, Al Gore, Climate Change, Climate Education, Climate Science, Economies, Humor, Nobel Peace Prize, North Korea Nuclear Threat, Nuclear Weapons, Paris Climate Accord, Paris Climate Agreement, State Department, Trade With Mexico, Travel Ban, Trump Administration, Trump on Climate Change, Trump Truthiness, Trump Wall, Trump's Mental Health, United Nations, White House | Tagged | Leave a comment