Category Archives: Turkey

Freedom on the Net 2022 Ratings by Country

Freedom on the Internet and in social media in 2021-22 shows that only 18% of global internet users are assessed as Free, 34% as Partly Free, and 37% as Not Free.  11% are in countries that were not assessed.  The … Continue reading

Posted in Affairs of State, Algorithms, Big Data, China, Communications, Cybersecurity, Democracy, Democracy Ratings, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Freedom to Assemble, Freedom to Petition, Freedoms, Infrastructure, Iran, Middle East, NATO, Putin, Religion, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Nations | Leave a comment

Russians, Look Up! Every Time Putin Makes a Nuclear Threat, It is Also Against You.

Russians Look Up:  Every Time Putin Makes a Nuclear Threat, It is Also Against You Nobody knows, but Ukraine, the US, Russia, and all other major countries must be making plans for a response to whatever kind of nuclear attack … Continue reading

Posted in China, Iran, NATO, North Korea, Nuclear Weapons, Putin, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine | Leave a comment

The Democracy Index 2021 Summary

The Democracy Index 2021 Summary This is produced yearly by The Economist Intelligence Unit, based on 60 indicators in 5 categories.  Each category is rated 0-10, and then the overall score is their average.  We focus on those by size … Continue reading

Posted in China, Democracy, Democracy Ratings, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Freedom to Assemble, Freedom to Petition, Freedoms, Iran, Middle East, North Korea, North Korea Nuclear Threat, Putin, Russia, Syria, Turkey, Ukraine, Voting Rights | Leave a comment

In International Democracy Survey, US Drops to 36th, and Only 70%.

  We show the 2020 Democracy ratings of countries of current concern to the US.  The source of the ratings is the V-Dem Institute at  We use data from Version 10 of April 2020.  The North American Regional Center … Continue reading

Posted in 2020 Election, Affairs of State, China, Congress, Congressional Investigation, Criminal Justice System, Democracy Ratings, Equal Treatment Under the Law, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Freedom to Assemble, Freedom to Petition, Freedoms, Iran, Middle East, North Korea, Politics, Russia, Supreme Court, Trump Administration, Turkey | Tagged | Leave a comment

The Global Health Security Index of 2019 for the US and Key Countries

The Global Health Security Index of 2019 and its relevance to preventing virus pandemics. The Index was published in October, 2019, and analyzes the readiness of the world’s countries to combat pandemics, like we are now experiencing with the coronavirus. … Continue reading

Posted in Affairs of State, Congress, Global Health Security Index, Health Care, Immigration Ban, Iran, Middle East, NATO, North Korea, Russia, State Department, Turkey, Yemen | Tagged | Leave a comment

The US and Key Countries in the Democracy Index 2019

We examine the new Democracy Index 2019 rating of the US and world countries performed by the Economist Intelligence Unit.  I was very interested in this since it would contain the third year of the Trump Presidency and his House … Continue reading

Posted in 2016 Election, 2020 Election, 2020 Primaries, Affairs of State, Congress, Congressional Investigation, Constitution, Criminal Justice System, Democracy Ratings, Fifth Amendment, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Freedom to Assemble, Freedoms, Immigration Policy, Impeachment, Iran, Mitch McConnell, Mueller Report, North Korea, North Korea Nuclear Threat, Russia, State Department, Supreme Court, Trump Administration, Turkey, Voting Rights, Yemen | Tagged | Leave a comment

Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely

“Power Corrupts; Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely”, Lord Acton Donald Trump, William Barr, Mick Mulvaney, Mike Pompeo, Rudy Giuliani, Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, Pat Cipollone, Alan Dershowitz, Kenneth Starr,  … Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, Kim Jung Un, Bashar Al Assad, Recep … Continue reading

Posted in 2020 Election, Affairs of State, AG William Barr, Congressional Investigation, Constitution, Criminal Justice System, Democracy Ratings, Impeachment, Mitch McConnell, Mueller Report, Politics, Secrecy, State Department, Syria, Trump Administration, Turkey, Voter Fraud, Voting Rights, White House | Tagged | Leave a comment

Democracy Ratings for the US and Countries in the News from the V-Dem Institute

We show graphs over time of the US and countries in the news, for five categories.  The ratings go from 1900 through 2018, unless only fewer years are available.  The source of the ratings is the V-Dem Institute at … Continue reading

Posted in Affairs of State, Democracy Ratings, Economies, Education, Equal Treatment Under the Law, Equality of Opportunity Project, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Freedom to Assemble, Freedom to Petition, Freedoms, Immigration Policy, Iran, Middle East, North Korea, Politics, Religion, Secrecy, Syria, Turkey, United Nations, Voting Rights, Women’s Rights | Leave a comment

The United States and the World in the Freedom in the World 2019 Ratings

We show graphs in the Freedom House report “Freedom in the World 2019” by Freedom House at, for both the United States, and for World countries. We show the decline in the US Freedom rating over 10 years from … Continue reading

Posted in Affairs of State, Criminal Justice System, Democracy Ratings, Education, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Freedom to Assemble, Freedom to Petition, Freedoms, Immigration Ban, Immigration Policy, Iran, Middle East, North Korea, Russia, Saudi Oil Imports, Syria, Turkey, Voting Rights, Yemen | Tagged | Leave a comment

Oh What a Mess This Iranian Challenge Is

Oh What a Mess This Iranian Challenge Is. Trump has today threatened to swiftly hit 52 major Iranian targets, if Iran makes ANY retaliation against Americans or American targets in response to Trump’s killing Quds Force leader Qassem Soleimani.  Again, … Continue reading

Posted in Affairs of State, California Oil, Iran, Oil, Secrecy, Syria, Turkey, US Oil, VP Pence, World Oil Exports, World Oil Usage | Tagged | Leave a comment