Category Archives: King Tides

World, US, and California Flood Maps

World, US, and California Flood Maps We use the online Climate Central flood map data at to generate flood maps for California, the US, and the World.  In general, we start with the 6 foot flood maps, and go … Continue reading

Posted in California Flood Maps, Coastal Flooding, Houston Flooding, Hurricane Florence, Hurricane Irma, King Tides, Laguna Beach Flood Levels, Sea Level Rise, Tsunami, US Flood Maps, World Flood Maps | Leave a comment

How Much Does Trump Hate California? Let Us Count the Ways

How Much Does Trump Hate California? Let Us Count the Ways (Apologies to William Shakespeare) First of all, which state could harbor the three million undocumented and potential illegal voters that Trump dreams that he lost by. California not only … Continue reading

Posted in California Federal Funding, Climate Change, Climate Science, Coastal States, Conservation, Dreamers, Fossil Fuel Energy, King Tides, Mayor's Climate Action Plan, Offshore Oil Drilling, Paris Climate Accord, Paris Climate Agreement, Politics, Regulations, Secretary of the Interior Zinke, State Mariuana Laws, Trump Administration, Trump on Climate Change, Trump Tax Cuts, Trump Wall, UC Berkeley, UC Federal Funding, US Climate Mayors | Tagged | Leave a comment

Southern California Sea Level Rise and Flood Risks

SC Coastal Sea Level Rise, Flood Heights, and Population at Risk We use the web site Surging Seas Risk Finder to find projected sea level and flood heights for the Southern California Beach Cities south of Long Beach. We start … Continue reading

Posted in Climate Change, Climate Science, Coastal Flooding, King Tides, Mayor's Climate Action Plan | Leave a comment

Southern California King Tides in 2017/2018

Southern California King Tides in 2017/2018 The winter King Tides for Southern California are in early December and January. At Balboa Pier, Newport Beach, they will occur at the following dates and times, with associated heights above relative mean sea … Continue reading

Posted in California Water, Climate Change, Climate Science, Coastal Flooding, King Tides, NOAA, Sea Level Rise | Leave a comment