Category Archives: Irvine Water

The National Case for Water Conservation — Answers to Donald Trump

The National Case for Water Conservation — Answer to Donald Trump We will show show below that some key states for Republicans and Trump have records of drought, including of course, California, but also his largest state, Texas.  Nothing motivates … Continue reading

Posted in California Water, Climate Change, Irvine Water | Tagged | Leave a comment

It is Our Air, Our Water, Our Health, and Our Climate Future, NOT Trump’s

It’s Our Air, Our Water, Our Health, and Our Climate Future, NOT Trump’s This is established in the preamble to the Constitution in the words: “We the People of the United State, in Order to … promote the general Welfare…do … Continue reading

Posted in Air Quality, California Smog, California Water, Coal, E. Coli, EPA, Irvine Water, No More Drilling, Trump on Climate Change | Tagged | Leave a comment

Our 700th Energy Blog Article

Our 700th Energy Blog Article It’s time to celebrate our 700th blog article. I call it our, because my writing is largely a reflection of my community and information sources. I like to look beyond the news publications, which avoid … Continue reading

Posted in About This Blog, Big Data, California Water, Clean Energy, Climate Change, Climate Science, Communications, Education, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Irvine Water, Laguna Beach Energy Savings, Mayor's Climate Action Plan, Science Funding, Trump Administration, Trump on Climate Change, UC Federal Funding, UC Irvine | Tagged | Leave a comment

Southwestern Temperature Increases with Climate Change

The Fourth National Climate Assessment includes projections for temperature increases that can cause cause droughts and decrease the winter storage of water to cover summer needs. The report uses the do-nothing RCP 8.5 projection, and calculates the temperature increases for … Continue reading

Posted in California Water, Climate Change, Climate Science, Irvine Water | Leave a comment

Suggestions for the Laguna Beach Climate Protection Action Plan Renewal

Suggestions for the Laguna Beach Climate Protection Action Plan Renewal   In considering possible updates to the Laguna Beach Climate Protection action plan, I wanted to discuss some specific emission reduction methods that are under the control of the residents … Continue reading

Posted in California Water, Clean Energy, Climate Change, Climate Science, Coastal States, Conservation, Electric Power, Energy Efficiency, Fossil Fuel Energy, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Irvine Water, Laguna Beach Energy Savings | Leave a comment

California’s Four Year Drought

Here are graphs that show the extent of California’s four year drought. California Snowpack We start with the snowpack which is essential to supply water as it melts over the summer.   You can see that in 2012 and 2013 … Continue reading

Posted in California Water, Climate Change, Irvine Water | Leave a comment

IRWD Irvine Ranch Water District Sources, Use Reduction, and Rates

  Irvine Ranch Water District Water Sources in 2013: 22% Imported from State Water Project and Colorado River Aqueduct 31% Clear Ground Water (GW) 25% Recycled Water 19% Treated GW which is used in grounds and buildings In 2015, IRWD … Continue reading

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Orange County Water Agencies Restrictions for February 2016

From the OC Register, we have copied for inclusion with the set of articles, the new targets for Orange County water agencies to be in force by the end of February 2016. New targets for O.C. water districts Supplier Name … Continue reading

Posted in California Water, Irvine Water | Leave a comment

California Water Projects Feeding Southern California

Map of California Water Projects   The California State Water Project (SWP) This section is taken from the Wikipedia article on the CSWP or SWP, but specialized to the path of the water to Southern California. The SWP has 5.75 … Continue reading

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Gary Oberts talk to OLLI on the Irvine Ranch Water District Water Sources

Our water expert, Gary Oberts, gave a talk to the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) associated with UC Irvine.  His talk was on the Irvine Ranch Water District of Irvine, California, and its water sources and policies during the current … Continue reading

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