Category Archives: North Korean Nuclear Agreement

Trump’s Criticism of Ambassador Yovanovitch

Trump’s Criticism of Ambassador Yovanovitch Trump’s justified his twittering denigration of our former Ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, as exercising his “free speech”.  He said that things “turned bad” when she was ambassador to Somalia.  Trump’s critics have said that … Continue reading

Posted in 2020 Election, 2020 Primaries, Affairs of State, Congressional Investigation, Constitution, Equal Treatment Under the Law, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Freedoms, Impeachment, North Korea, North Korea Nuclear Threat, North Korean Nuclear Agreement, Nuclear Weapons, Paris Climate Accord, Politics, Purge, Russia, State Department, Trade With Mexico, Trump Administration, Trump's Logic, Twitter | Tagged | Leave a comment

Setting of the Doomsday Clock at the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists for 2019

Setting of the Doomsday Clock at the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists for 2019 The Doomsday Clock started measuring the time to midnight in terms of the danger of nuclear war and events.  It now includes risks from climate change … Continue reading

Posted in 2020 Election, Clean Energy, Climate Change, Climate Education, Climate Science, Communications, Department of Defense, Military Budget, North Korea Nuclear Threat, North Korean Nuclear Agreement, Nuclear Weapons, Paris Climate Agreement, Trump Administration, Trump on Climate Change | Tagged | Leave a comment

The Ignominious Parade of Americans Whom Trump Has Wronged

The Ignominious Parade of Americans Whom Trump Has Wronged Trump wants a Parade, and there are many who are anxious to give him one to register their complaints. Without military vehicles and bands, they can do it for little cost … Continue reading

Posted in 2018 Midterm Election, Affairs of State, Affordable Care Act, AHCA, Children, Dreamers, Families Belong Together, First Amendment, Freedom of the Press, Freedom to Assemble, Freedom to Petition, Humor, Kellyanne, March For Our Lives, North Korean Nuclear Agreement, NRA, School Security, Secretary of Education, Supreme Court, Trump Administration, Trump Budget, Trump Tax Cuts, Trump Wall | Tagged | Leave a comment

The Need for a 28th Amendment on Abusing Social Media, Lying, and More

The Need for a 28th Amendment on Abusing Social Media, Lying, and More The last Amendment to the Constitution was passed in 1992, long before the rise of social media, and before the occurrence of the Trump Presidency of Lies. … Continue reading

Posted in Affairs of State, Congress, Congressional Investigation, Constitution, Department of Defense, Economies, FBI Director, First Amendment, Fox News, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Freedom to Assemble, Freedom to Petition, Freedoms, Humor, Immigration Ban, Immigration Policy, North Korean Nuclear Agreement, Nuclear Weapons, Politics, Trump Administration, Trump Steel Tariff | Tagged | Leave a comment

The Absurdity of Trump’s Trusting Enemy Dictators

The Absurdity of Trump’s Trusting Enemy Dictators Even that sentence is an absurdity, but true. Is there anything that Trump won’t give away to dictators? Is there anything that Trump won’t believe from a dictator, even in the face of … Continue reading

Posted in Affairs of State, Cybersecurity, Economies, North Korea, North Korea Nuclear Threat, North Korean Nuclear Agreement, Nuclear Weapons, Public Confidence, Russia, State Department, Syria, Trump's Logic, United Nations | Tagged | Leave a comment

Is Trump’s Mania Approaching a Boiling Point?

Is Trump’s Mania Approaching a Boiling Point? Mathematically, it could be called a singularity. Physics would call it a critical point or a phase change. As such a point is approached, things take place faster and faster, and the scale … Continue reading

Posted in 2018 Midterm Election, Affairs of State, Congress, Humor, Mathematics, North Korea, North Korean Nuclear Agreement, Politics, Trump Administration | Tagged | Leave a comment

Isn’t It Time for the President to Get a Science Advisor?

Isn’t It Time for the President to Get a Science Advisor? Donald Trump is about to enter into face-to-face negotiations on perhaps denuclearizing North Korea, or the Korean Peninsula. Nuclear weapons development and testing, ICBMs, nuclear reactors, and nuclear fuel … Continue reading

Posted in Department of Defense, Iran, North Korean Nuclear Agreement, Nuclear Weapons, Science Funding, State Department, Trump Administration, US Intelligence Agencies, White House | Tagged | Leave a comment