Category Archives: White House

The Giant Election Fraud Villain

The Giant Election Fraud Villain I’m glad to see that AG Barr has been assigned to find large scale election fraud in America.  Actually, the election frauds have been embedded in our collective memories over recent years.  We can start … Continue reading

Posted in 2020 Election, AG William Barr, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Health Care, Joe Biden, Politics, Racism, White House | Tagged | Leave a comment

Trump’s Possible Outlooks on the Supreme Court Opening

Trump’s Possible Outlooks on the Supreme Court Opening While Mitch McConnell had already made it clear that he would fill a  Supreme Court opening, even in an election year, he reiterated it again today, when the Ruth Bader Ginsburg position … Continue reading

Posted in 2020 Election, Kavanaugh, Mitch McConnell, Politics, Supreme Court, Swing States, Tax Laws, Trump Administration, Trump's Logic, White House | Tagged | Leave a comment

The Dangers of Trump’s Brotherhood of Dictators, and His Rallies

The Dangers of Trump’s Brotherhood of Dictators, and His Rallies It’s bad enough that Trump asked Xi Jinping for soybean purchases to help him win the election.  Everybody already knows that political approach to getting the farm vote, including Xi, … Continue reading

Posted in Coronavirus, COVID-19, Economies, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Health Care, Politics, VP Pence, White House | Tagged | Leave a comment

Trump-Barr Make Up Laws Again, Including Absolute Censorship

Trump-Barr Make Up Laws Again, Including Absolute Censorship The “Law and Order” “President” and the “Attorney Obsequion” Barr spent the day making up laws, which, coincidentally, violate the Constitution, which they “Swore” to “Obey”. Where to begin? Republicans spent eight … Continue reading

Posted in Congress, Constitution, Criminal Justice System, Equal Treatment Under the Law, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Freedom to Assemble, Freedom to Petition, Freedoms, Humor, Impeachment, Secrecy, Trump Administration, Twitter, White House | Tagged | Leave a comment

The Trump and Barr Lafayette Square Coverup

The Trump-Barr Lafayette Square Coverup The Lafayette Square Suppression is Trump’s Tien-An-Minh Square suppression of the Constitutional First Amendment right to peaceably assemble.  But as the Press probes deeper, there are massive abuses of powers by Trump and Barr that … Continue reading

Posted in AG William Barr, Congressional Investigation, Constitution, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Freedom to Assemble, Freedom to Petition, Freedoms, Lafayette Park, Trump Administration, Trump Truthiness, White House | Tagged | Leave a comment

The Coming Minority and Poor Coronavirus Epidemic

The Coming Minority and Poor Coronavirus Epidemic We are about to witness the truth of the axiom that:  you are only as healthy as the least among you.  While thinking about this I see that Pete Buttigieg is way ahead … Continue reading

Posted in Affairs of State, Children, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Health Care, Immigration Policy, NIH, Poverty, Public Confidence, Trump Administration, VP Pence, White House | Tagged | Leave a comment

Trump’s Confidence Destroying News Conference on the Coronavirus

Trump’s Confidence Destroying News Conference on the Coronavirus One day after the CDC news conference assuring us that the Coronavirus was unstoppable and would attack the US, Trump finally gave us a real News Conference trying to insure us that … Continue reading

Posted in 2020 Election, 2020 Primaries, Affairs of State, China, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Health Care, NIH, VP Pence, White House | Tagged | Leave a comment

Epilogue to Impeachment: Trump’s Wild Victory Celebrations

Epilogue to Impeachment:  Trump’s Wild Victory Celebrations Every great saga deserves an epilogue.  I mean Trump’s Impeachment Saga, not my whacky accounting of it.  Trump, the TV Director in Chief, could not help making a Grand Show of his pre-acquittal … Continue reading

Posted in 2016 Election, 2020 Election, 2020 Primaries, Affairs of State, AG William Barr, Congress, Congressional Investigation, Constitution, Criminal Justice System, Equal Treatment Under the Law, FBI Director, Humor, Impeachment, Joe Biden, Mitch McConnell, Mueller Report, Politics, Religion, Supreme Court, Trump Administration, Trump's Mental Health, Voting Rights, White House | Tagged | Leave a comment

Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely

“Power Corrupts; Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely”, Lord Acton Donald Trump, William Barr, Mick Mulvaney, Mike Pompeo, Rudy Giuliani, Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, Pat Cipollone, Alan Dershowitz, Kenneth Starr,  … Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, Kim Jung Un, Bashar Al Assad, Recep … Continue reading

Posted in 2020 Election, Affairs of State, AG William Barr, Congressional Investigation, Constitution, Criminal Justice System, Democracy Ratings, Impeachment, Mitch McConnell, Mueller Report, Politics, Secrecy, State Department, Syria, Trump Administration, Turkey, Voter Fraud, Voting Rights, White House | Tagged | Leave a comment

America’s Next Democracy Rating, and Chief Justice John Roberts’ View

America’s Next Democracy Rating, and Chief Justice John Roberts’ View Having just written articles on the Democracy and Freedom ratings of world countries, I was going to speculate on what our new ratings would be after the sham impeachment trial.  … Continue reading

Posted in 2020 Election, 2020 Primaries, Affairs of State, Congressional Investigation, Constitution, Democracy Ratings, EPA, First Amendment, Freedoms, Impeachment, Kavanaugh, Mitch McConnell, Mueller Report, Politics, Public Confidence, Regulations, State Department, Supreme Court, Trump Administration, Trump Voting, Voter Fraud, Voting Rights, VP Pence, White House | Tagged | Leave a comment