Category Archives: Guns

Will There Be a Civil Separation of the Blue from the Red States?

Will There Be a Civil Separation of the Blue States from the Red States? No way are Blue States going to live the next 30 years under this misogynist, theocratic, far right nominated, two illegitimate, one alleged criminal, Supreme Court. … Continue reading

Posted in 2022 Election, Abortions, Affairs of State, Congress, Constitution, Criminal Justice System, Democracy, Establishment Clause, First Amendment, Freedom to Petition, Gerrymandering, Governors and State Legislatures, Gun Control, Guns, Health Care, Politics, Religion, Supreme Court, Swing States, Women’s Rights | Leave a comment

Gun Deaths, Rankings, and Legislative Changes for California, Texas, Florida, and New York

I don’t know how much presenting data on gun violence and gun laws will help the situation, but my blog needs an update on this.  Providing perspective should help to indicate future directions to pursue. Active shooter incidents in 2021 … Continue reading

Posted in 2022 Election, Congress, Constitution, Gun Control, Guns, Joe Biden, NRA, Politics, Terrorism, Texas | Leave a comment

A Week About Limiting Domestic Terrorism, the Week Before Thanksgiving

A Week About Limiting Domestic Terrorism, A Week Before Thanksgiving. We have spent the weeks watching two trials on domestic vigilanty  terrorism and murder, the rare censure of a Congressman for passing on threats to a female colleague in the … Continue reading

Posted in Coronavirus, COVID-19, Delta Variant, Gun Control, Guns | Leave a comment

Tiptoeing Through the Supreme Court Tulips

Tiptoeing Through the Supreme Court Tulips. Oh what a tangled Supreme Court. The SC is about to rule on whether having found one part of the ACA, Affordable Care Act, unconstitutional, it can rule that the entire ACA is not … Continue reading

Posted in Gun Control, Guns, Supreme Court | Tagged | Leave a comment

Firearm Deaths and Injuries in 2020 Were 33% Higher than in the Past

Firearm Deaths and injuries in 2020 were 33% higher than in the past Gun deaths in America are a Plague on young Black men, and on men in general. This article is based on data in a Washington Post article, … Continue reading

Posted in Gun Control, Guns, Health Care | Leave a comment

Trump’s Warp Speed Back to the Origin

Trump’s Warp Speed Back to the Origin The guy who brags about founding the Space Force (echo, echo, echo).  The guy who pitches going back to the Moon after 54 years as sending men to Mars.  The guy who buys … Continue reading

Posted in 2020 Election, Constitution, Gun Control, Guns, Health Care, Humor, Mitch McConnell, Politics, Twitter | Tagged | Leave a comment

Wearing a Mask is Not an Impingement of Human Rights, It Is an Exercise of Them

Wearing a Mask is Not an Impingement on Human Rights, It is an Exercise of Them I think the main problem with people not wearing masks is that many people are not informed that they are to be worn to … Continue reading

Posted in Coronavirus, COVID-19, Freedoms, Gun Control, Guns, Health Care | Leave a comment

Did Conspiracy Theories Entrap Trump Into Five Impeachment Counts?

Did Conspiracy Theories Entrap Trump Into Five Impeachment Counts? Trump has often been criticized for not trusting his intelligence agencies, or the Department of State.  Now, it is clear that he was believing in right wing conspiracy theories rather than … Continue reading

Posted in 2020 Election, 2020 Primaries, Affairs of State, Clinton, Congress, Congressional Investigation, Constitution, Cybersecurity, Equal Treatment Under the Law, Fifth Amendment, Fox News, Gun Control, Guns, Humor, Immigration Policy, Impeachment, Joe Biden, Mueller Report, Politics, Purge, Russia, Secrecy, Trump Administration, Trump Truthiness, Trump Wall, US Intelligence Agencies, White House | Tagged | Leave a comment

Gun Laws, Research, Politics, and Public Opinion

Gun Laws, Research, Politics, and Public Opinion First of all, lets clear up a few things. Just because a particular law would not have prevented a particular murder or mass shooting, that should not be used to negate their effects … Continue reading

Posted in Congress, Gun Control, Guns | Tagged | Leave a comment

On average, the States with more guns have more homicides.

On average, the States with more guns have more homicides. We present conclusions from “Firearm Ownership and Domestic Versus Nondomestic Homicide in the U.S.”, in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine from July 22, 2019, by Aaron J. Kivisto, et … Continue reading

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