Category Archives: Affordable Care Act

The United States Women’s Inclusion, Justice, and Security Index of 2020

We summarize the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace, and Security (GWIPS) 2020 indexing of the status of women by state, in the areas of Inclusion, Justice, and Security.  We then compare this to the new imposition of laws limiting abortion … Continue reading

Posted in 2022 Election, Abortions, Affordable Care Act, Big Data, Children, Congress, Constitution, Democracy, Education, Equal Treatment Under the Law, Governors and State Legislatures, Health Care, Income, Politics, Poverty, Supreme Court, Upward Mobility, Women’s Rights | Leave a comment

My Opinions on Inflation, Political Policies, and Abortion Economics

My Political Opinions on Economics and the Midterm Elections In contrast to my data articles, which I separate, I’m just going to pack my economic political opinions into this one. Although I read, follow, and attend webinars on economics, I … Continue reading

Posted in 2022 Election, Abortions, Affordable Care Act, Children, Climate Change, Congress, Democracy, Economies, Education, Equal Treatment Under the Law, Health Care, Inflation, Oil, Politics, Supreme Court, Trump Tax Cuts, University Funding, Women’s Rights | Leave a comment

Stop the Steals Initiated by Donald Trump

Stop the Steals Initiated by Donald Trump. How Do They Grift Us, Let Us Count the Ways. Oddly, Trump has as usual reflexively adopted a banner which point to the Thefts that he has perpetrated upon us. Let’s backtrack in … Continue reading

Posted in 2020 Election, 2022 Election, Affairs of State, Affordable Care Act, AG William Barr, Air Quality, Brain Drain, CAFE Standards, Capitol Invasion, Children, China, CHIP Childrens Health, Clean Energy, Climate Change, Climate Education, Climate Science, Coal, Congressional Investigation, Constitution, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Criminal Justice System, Cybersecurity, Democracy, Department of Defense, Department of Energy, Dreamers, Economies, Electric Power, Endangered Species Act, EPA, Families Belong Together, FBI Director, First Amendment, Fossil Fuel Energy | Tagged | Leave a comment

Is it anti-vax, or is it really anti-healthcare?

Is it anti-vax, or is it really anti-healthcare? Let’s face it.  America is the most obese large country in the world.  At the start, obesity was a key Coronavirus morbidity factor, although I have not seen this followed up much … Continue reading

Posted in Affordable Care Act, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Delta Variant, Freedoms, Gun Control, Health Care, Variants of Covid-19 | Leave a comment

Trump Unmasked as the Anti-Zorro

Trump Unmasked as the Anti-Zorro Let’s face it:  Trump is the one American who is protected from the Coronavirus by the Secret Service and their testing everybody who comes close to him.  He is also tested every day.  So he … Continue reading

Posted in Affordable Care Act, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Freedom of Speech, Health Care, Humor | Tagged | Leave a comment

Helping Health Services With the Coronavirus

Helping Health Services With the Coronavirus  As the Coronavirus grows, it will come into competition for health resources with the current flus, and with other critical medical needs.  We can lessen the stress on the system by using the same … Continue reading

Posted in Affordable Care Act, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Health Care | Leave a comment

The Ignominious Parade of Americans Whom Trump Has Wronged

The Ignominious Parade of Americans Whom Trump Has Wronged Trump wants a Parade, and there are many who are anxious to give him one to register their complaints. Without military vehicles and bands, they can do it for little cost … Continue reading

Posted in 2018 Midterm Election, Affairs of State, Affordable Care Act, AHCA, Children, Dreamers, Families Belong Together, First Amendment, Freedom of the Press, Freedom to Assemble, Freedom to Petition, Humor, Kellyanne, March For Our Lives, North Korean Nuclear Agreement, NRA, School Security, Secretary of Education, Supreme Court, Trump Administration, Trump Budget, Trump Tax Cuts, Trump Wall | Tagged | Leave a comment

Thailand Loves Each Child, Trump Apparently Hates All the Poor Ones

Thailand Loves Each Child, Trump Apparently Hates All the Poor Ones We are all amazed what effort Thailand and Great Britain went to to rescue the 12 kids and their soccer coach, first lost, and then trapped by water filled … Continue reading

Posted in Affordable Care Act, BRexit, Children, CHIP Childrens Health, Clinton, Families Belong Together, Food Stamps, Health Care, Immigration Ban, Immigration Policy, Politics, Supreme Court, Travel Ban, Trump Truthiness | Tagged | Leave a comment

California Leads the Nation in Poverty

California Leads the Nation in Poverty Again, I am not a poverty expert, nor a social worker, or a social ecology professor. I just looked up some US Census data. This article arises from Donald Trump pulling the United States … Continue reading

Posted in 2018 Midterm Election, Affordable Care Act, AHCA, Benefits of the United Nations, Children, Congress, Dreamers, Food Stamps, Poverty, State Department, Trumpcare Deaths, White House | Tagged | Leave a comment

Trump’s and America’s Health

Trump’s and America’s Health Yesterday we got Trump’s health report. Trump is our President and Commander in Chief. He sets his proposed budget including health, and appoints heads of departments for covering the health of the people of America. While … Continue reading

Posted in Affordable Care Act, AHCA, Children, CHIP Childrens Health, Congress, Health Care, Trump's Mental Health, Trumpcare Deaths | Tagged | Leave a comment