Category Archives: Wind Energy

Climate Change in the Second Trump Reich

Climate Change in the Second Trump Reich In the last few weeks, events involving Donald Trump have completely dumped the responsible US plans under President Biden to reduce and eventually end the US contributions to climate change. Briefly, the events … Continue reading

Posted in 2024 Election, Clean Energy, Climate Change, Climate Science, Coastal Flooding, Constitution, Criminal Justice System, Department of Energy, Electric Cars, Electric Power, EPA, First Amendment, Fossil Fuel Energy, Freedom of Speech, Freedom to Assemble, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Natural Gas, Paris Climate Accord, Paris Climate Agreement, Politics, Regulations, Renewable Energy, Science Funding, Sea Level Rise, Smog worldwide, Trump Administration, Trump Budget, Trump on Climate Change, University Funding, Wind Energy | Tagged | Leave a comment

The Inflation Reduction Act Plan for Lowering US Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Another Science Magazine Breakthrough was the US passage of the Inflation Reduction act, which contains $369 billion over ten years for lowering US greenhouse gases.  One goal of the IRA is to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions 40% from 2005 … Continue reading

Posted in Air Quality, Autos, California Flood Maps, California Power Mixes, California Smog, Carbon Tax, Clean Energy, Climate Change, Climate Education, Climate Science, Coal, Conservation, Department of Energy, Electric Cars, Electric Power, Energy Efficiency, EPA, Fire Risks, Fossil Fuel Energy, Gasoline, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Hybrid Cars, Inflation Reduction Act, Natural Gas, Nuclear Energy, Ocean Acidification, Offshore Oil Drilling, Oil, OLLI Lecture, Politics, Renewable Energy, Sea Level Rise, Solar Energy, Supreme Court, Transportation, US Oil, Wind Energy | Leave a comment

Florida Flood Height Maps Which May Be Reached with Hurricane Ian

Flood Height Maps Which May Be Reached with Hurricane Ian Updated Surge Threat below Thursday 3 PM EST. Here is the projection for storm surge heights from hurricane Ian on Tuesday, September 27th, 2022.  We use the flood maps from … Continue reading

Posted in Hurricane Ian, US Flood Maps, Wind Energy | Leave a comment

The Environmental Movement is Strong Even Without the EPA Climate Regulations

The Environmental Movement is Strong Even Without the EPA Climate Regulations First of all, the Obama Clean Power Plan program was already blocked by the courts, and President Biden had not yet proposed his regulations to get around this.  Meanwhile, … Continue reading

Posted in 2022 Election, Air Quality, Autos, CAFE Standards, California Power Mixes, California Smog, Clean Energy, Climate Change, Climate Education, Climate Science, Coal, Conservation, Economies, Electric Cars, Electric Power, Energy Efficiency, EPA, Fossil Fuel Energy, Gasoline, Green Rate Plans, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Houston Flooding, Mayor's Climate Action Plan, Natural Gas, Oil, Paris Climate Accord, Paris Climate Agreement, Politics, Regulations, Renewable Energy, Solar Energy, Supreme Court, Texas, Trump Solar Tariff, Ukraine, US Oil, Wind Energy, World Oil Usage | Leave a comment

Debunking an Anti-Wind Farm Email

I was forwarded an email putting down the entire wind farm industry, criticizing first its supposed excessive use of lubricating oil, but then all other alleged excesses of the industry.  I then came across the National Geographic article on recycling … Continue reading

Posted in California Oil, Clean Energy, Electric Power, Wind Energy | Leave a comment

Trump’s Continuous Coronavirus Pandemic Has Been Terrible for Oil Companies

Trump’s Continuous Coronavirus Pandemic has been Terrible for Oil Companies While Trump was blasting Biden for saying that the US would be using less oil, that will be a very long range adoption of Electric cars, which are only selling … Continue reading

Posted in 2020 Election, Affairs of State, CAFE Standards, California Oil, California Smog, Clean Energy, Climate Change, Climate Education, Climate Science, Electric Cars, Electric Power, Energy Efficiency, EPA, Equivalent Electric Car Emissions, Fossil Fuel Energy, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Hybrid Cars, Natural Gas, Nuclear Energy, Oil, Politics, Regulations, Renewable Energy, Saudi Oil Imports, Solar Energy, Transportation, Trump Administration, US Oil, Wind Energy, World Oil Exports, World Oil Usage, World Smog | Tagged | Leave a comment

Trump: The Unmanageable Virus Vector in Chief

Trump:  the unmanageable virus Vector in Chief. Trump backs off on deporting international college and University students without in-person classes.  Since this was enforced with no justification, it would have been blocked anyway. The White House has been unfairly criticizing … Continue reading

Posted in Coronavirus, COVID-19, Dreamers, Education, Health Care, Immigration Ban, Immigration Policy, Infrastructure, Joe Biden, Negotiations, Nuclear Energy, Renewable Energy, Solar Energy, Travel Ban, Trump Administration, University Funding, Wind Energy | Tagged | Leave a comment