Category Archives: NASA

Space Lasers: GRACE-FO and LISA

Space Lasers Let’s make clear that this article is about actual space lasers, currently used in the GRACE follow on (FO) satellite to detect the earth’s gravity field and study sea level rise and water depletion in aquifers.  It will … Continue reading

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Trump’s Proposed 2019 DoE and NASA Cuts, and Actual Increases

Trump’s Proposed Cuts to the Department of Energy and NASA, with their actual Congressional Increases. Department of Energy Budget In the following table for the science sectors of the Department of Energy, we give, in millions of dollars:  the 2019 … Continue reading

Posted in Clean Energy, Climate Change, Climate Education, Climate Science, Conservation, Department of Energy, Fossil Fuel Energy, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, NASA, Nuclear Energy, Particle Physics, Renewable Energy, Science and Engineering Education, Science Funding, Solar Energy, Trump Budget, University Funding, Wind Energy | Tagged | Leave a comment

Trump Dreams of Mar-e-Luna

Trump Dreams of Mar-e-Luna This is an article of non-science fiction, since science is ruled out in Trump’s dreams.  Trump wants to colonize the moon, where he has his typical dream of opening another Trump International Golf Course.  In this … Continue reading

Posted in Earth, Humor, Moon Mission, NASA | Tagged | Leave a comment

Trump’s Narcissistic Moon Landing Disaster

Trump’s Narcissistic Moon Landing Disaster Trump is speeding up the Man Moon Landing from 10 years plus needed delays to six years max.  This is purely to satisfy his EGO to have the glory of the landing occur before the … Continue reading

Posted in 2020 Election, Brain Drain, Climate Change, Climate Science, Donald Trump, Moon Mission, NASA, Paris Climate Accord, Paris Climate Agreement, Trump on Climate Change | Leave a comment

Slides from the NOAA/NASA Annual Global Analysis for 2018

Slides from the NOAA/NASA Annual Global Analysis for 2018 The NASA author is Gavin A. Schmidt, and the NOAA author is Derek Arendt. I have put photos of the graphs from the above analysis on a Flickr album NOAA/NASA Annual … Continue reading

Posted in 2018 Global Climate Analysis, Climate Change, Climate Education, Climate Science, Houston Flooding, Hurricane Florence, Hurricane Irma, NASA, NOAA | Leave a comment

Rep. Bridenstine Is Only a Political Choice for NASA Administrator

We have to note that Donald Trump is again exercising his “terminate with extreme prejudice” agenda against climate science. Nobody has suggested where this came from, other to secure funding from oil billionaires like the Koch brothers of Texas, and … Continue reading

Posted in Climate Science, Congress, NASA, Trump Administration, Trump Budget, Trump on Climate Change | Tagged | Leave a comment