Category Archives: Supreme Court

The Three Trump Supremes: The Wrong Justices for the Ripe Times

The Three Trump Supremes:  The Wrong Justices for the Ripe Times We haven’t seen enough cases to see the emergence of the Trump Era on the Supreme Court caused by his highly biased choice of conservative and religious justices, but … Continue reading

Posted in 2020 Election, 2022 Election, Constitution, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Equal Treatment Under the Law, Gerrymandering, Kavanaugh, Politics, Racism, Supreme Court, Swing States, Trump Truthiness, Trump Voting, Voting Rights, Women’s Rights | Tagged | Leave a comment

Tiptoeing Through the Supreme Court Tulips

Tiptoeing Through the Supreme Court Tulips. Oh what a tangled Supreme Court. The SC is about to rule on whether having found one part of the ACA, Affordable Care Act, unconstitutional, it can rule that the entire ACA is not … Continue reading

Posted in Gun Control, Guns, Supreme Court | Tagged | Leave a comment

The Bonfire of the Trump Vanities

The Bonfire of the Trump Vanities While capturing headlines with the greatest election fraud ever of declaring himself the winner, and then inciting the successful invasion and terrorization of the Congress, Trump and his minions have been carrying out a … Continue reading

Posted in Coronavirus, COVID-19, EPA, Fossil Fuel Energy, Free Trade, Global Climate Action Summit, Impeachment, Iran, Joe Biden, Politics, Regulations, Renewable Energy, Science Funding, State Department, Supreme Court, Trump Administration, Trump Impeachment, Trump Insurrection, Trump on Climate Change, Voter Fraud, Yemen | Tagged | Leave a comment

Celebrating the Biden Presidency and Our Future Progress and Freedoms

President Biden, Beating the Coronavirus, Climate Change Mitigation, Blue State Freedom, DACA, Democratic City Freedom, University Freedom, Respect for Science, California VP and Future Presidential Candidate Harris. As Americans we have so much to celebrate today, and also as Californians.  … Continue reading

Posted in 2018 California Primary, 2020 Election, Air Quality, CAFE Standards, California Democratic Primary, California Federal Funding, Clean Energy, Climate Change, Climate Education, Climate Science, Congress, Conservation, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Dreamers, Electric Power, Energy Efficiency, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Freedom to Assemble, Freedom to Petition, Freedoms, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Hybrid Cars, Immigration Policy, Joe Biden, Mitch McConnell, Politics, Renewable Energy, Science Funding, Supreme Court, Trump Administration, Trump on Climate Change | Tagged | Leave a comment

Trump Leaves a Destructive Climate Wake

Trump Leaves a Destructive Climate Wake Humpty Dumpty Ran on The Wall; Humpty Dumpty Had a Viral Fall; All the King’s Governors and all of his Judgemen, Couldn’t Put Humpty in Office Again.  (We hope.) The NY Times had a … Continue reading

Posted in 2020 Election, Air Quality, California Smog, California Water, Climate Change, Climate Education, Climate Science, Coal, Coastal Flooding, Electric Power, EPA, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Oil, Paris Climate Agreement, Politics, Regulations, Renewable Energy, Solar Energy, Supreme Court, Trump Administration, US Oil | Tagged | Leave a comment

Trump’s Three Stolen Supreme Court Positions

Trump’s Three Stolen Supreme Court Positions  It is Supremely Ironic that Trump’s three Supreme Court Positions to the highest Law and Order Court in the land, will all occur by acts of thievery, largely by Mitch McConnell, with Trump’s collusion. … Continue reading

Posted in 2020 Election, Equal Treatment Under the Law, Kavanaugh, Mitch McConnell, Supreme Court | Tagged | Leave a comment

Trump’s Possible Outlooks on the Supreme Court Opening

Trump’s Possible Outlooks on the Supreme Court Opening While Mitch McConnell had already made it clear that he would fill a  Supreme Court opening, even in an election year, he reiterated it again today, when the Ruth Bader Ginsburg position … Continue reading

Posted in 2020 Election, Kavanaugh, Mitch McConnell, Politics, Supreme Court, Swing States, Tax Laws, Trump Administration, Trump's Logic, White House | Tagged | Leave a comment

In International Democracy Survey, US Drops to 36th, and Only 70%.

  We show the 2020 Democracy ratings of countries of current concern to the US.  The source of the ratings is the V-Dem Institute at  We use data from Version 10 of April 2020.  The North American Regional Center … Continue reading

Posted in 2020 Election, Affairs of State, China, Congress, Congressional Investigation, Criminal Justice System, Democracy Ratings, Equal Treatment Under the Law, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Freedom to Assemble, Freedom to Petition, Freedoms, Iran, Middle East, North Korea, Politics, Russia, Supreme Court, Trump Administration, Turkey | Tagged | Leave a comment

The Judicial Corruption of Trump, Barr, McConnell, and the Republican Senate

The Judicial Corruption of Trump, Barr, McConnell, and the Republican Senate You don’t need to be a law professor to see mob rule. Yesterday’s huge corruption of justice is Trump’s Tulsa Rally promise to select and name 50 people who … Continue reading

Posted in AG William Barr, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Dreamers, Equal Treatment Under the Law, Gerrymandering, Impeachment, Kavanaugh, Mitch McConnell, Politics, Supreme Court, Voting Rights | Tagged | Leave a comment

Epilogue to Impeachment: Trump’s Wild Victory Celebrations

Epilogue to Impeachment:  Trump’s Wild Victory Celebrations Every great saga deserves an epilogue.  I mean Trump’s Impeachment Saga, not my whacky accounting of it.  Trump, the TV Director in Chief, could not help making a Grand Show of his pre-acquittal … Continue reading

Posted in 2016 Election, 2020 Election, 2020 Primaries, Affairs of State, AG William Barr, Congress, Congressional Investigation, Constitution, Criminal Justice System, Equal Treatment Under the Law, FBI Director, Humor, Impeachment, Joe Biden, Mitch McConnell, Mueller Report, Politics, Religion, Supreme Court, Trump Administration, Trump's Mental Health, Voting Rights, White House | Tagged | Leave a comment