I plan to comment on articles that I read and on seminars that I attend at UC Irvine and at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) of UC Irvine Extension. These talks and readings are mostly on energy, with some on climate change, and a few on University funding. As the bottom of the page states, the opinions registered here are my own and not the responsibility of UC Irvine. I also give links to local energy seminars and websites. Being in Southern California, I am also interested in earthquakes and will comment on them also, especially as related to energy sources.
I am a retired Physics and Astronomy professor, who has been studying energy for a decade now. Previously I worked in elementary particle theory. I have some talks and short writeups of energy issues on my website: www.physics.uci.edu/~silverma/ as well as some OLLI talks by others on energy.