Having viewed a number of Alex Filippenko’s cosmology talks at UC Irvine OLLI at the end of his Teaching Company lectures, I wanted to list some general public books and web lectures on the topic.
Books: (Even though I’m referencing Kindle, there often is a Kindle app for most smart phones and tablets, or you can search on Barnes and Noble). I am citing this or last year’s books, but there are earlier ones by these same authors also. Note that for authors to keep producing a string of books in these areas, they often have to proceed to more and more speculative ideas.
Lawrence Krauss: Why There is Something Rather Than Nothing ($14 Amazon, $12 Kindle, Nook)
Lisa Randall: Knocking on Heaven’s Door ($11 paperback, $10 Kindle). I’ll also add her new book on the newly discovered Higgs – Higgs Discovery: The Power of Empty Space ($3 Kindle).
Brian Greene: The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos ($12 paperback, $13 Kindle).
Leonard Susskind: The Cosmic Landscape (2006)
Web Lectures:
David Kirkby (UCI): Physical Sciences Breakfast Talk to appear on www.physsci.uci.edu/outreach/lectures
Alex Filippenko (Beckman Distinctive Voices series): Youtube: Dark Energy and the Runaway Universe
Lawrence Krauss: Youtube: Something From Nothing?; and Life, the Universe and Nothing
Lisa Randall: Youtube: Knocking on Heaven’s Door
Steven Weinberg: Youtube: Higgs, dark matter and supersymmetry: What the Large Hadron Collider will tell us