The Times Higher Education magazine has just come out with its 2014 Higher Education Worldwide Rankings to find the Top 100 Universities Under 50 Years Old. UC Irvine has again placed first among US Universities under 50. We also rated 7th world wide. We are a year away from being 50. UC Santa Cruz was the next US University under 50, and ranked 11th world wide.
In percentage terms, we were rated in five categories. Our overall score was 59.3. Our category ratings are: Teaching, 44.2; International Outlook, 36.4; Industry Income, 44.9; Research, 51.0; and Citations, 89.7.
The US Universities under 50 out of the Top 100 Under 50 list, with their international rankings, are:
UC Irvine, 7th worldwide
UC Santa Cruz, 11
U. Illinois at Chicago, 13
U. Texas, Dallas 15
George Mason U., 57
U. Maryland, Baltimore County, 65
Florida International U., tied for 73
U. Texas, San Antonio, 91