US News includes UC Irvine in excellent positions in several types of best University and Departmental rankings. We present the rankings here.
UC Irvine in US News Best Colleges Rankings: we are ranked 9th in Top Public Schools; 39th in National Universities including Best Undergraduate Business Programs and Best Undergraduate Engineering Programs. UCI is ranked 31st in Best Value Schools, 32nd in Best Colleges for Veterans, and 46th in Best High School Counselor Rankings.
UC Irvine in US News Best Graduate School Rankings: we are ranked 30th in Best Law Schools including tying for number 11 in Clinical Training and also listed in Intellectual Property law. We are 31st in Best Education Schools. We are 34th in Biological Sciences. We are listed 37th in Best Engineering Schools. We are ranked 29th in Computer Sciences. We are ranked 53rd in Fine Arts. The School of Physical Sciences is rated by Departments with 24th in Chemistry (with 12th in Organic), 34th in Earth Sciences, 29th in Physics, and 41st in Math.
For Graduate Programs we are also ranked 62nd for Best Medical School: Primary Care, and 45th in Best Medical Schools: Research. Individual Departments ranked in Graduate Programs are 5th in Criminology, 46th in Economics, 22nd in English, 36th in History, 30th in Psychology, and 25th in Sociology.
In US News Best Online Programs Rankings: UCI is number 1 in Best Online Graduate Criminal Justice Programs.
In US News Best Global Universities Rankings: we are ranked 66th overall. We are 23rd in Computer Science. In subjects we are 25th in Neuroscience and Behavior, 28th in Environment/Ecology, 38th in Psychiatry/Psychology, 46th in Geosciences, 47th in Space Sciences, 75th in Biology and Biochemistry, 79th in Physics, 82nd in Social Sciences and Public Health, 92nd in Microbiology, 94th in Chemistry, and 95th in Molecular Biology and Genetics.