Trump Should Cancel the Debates
Trump should cancel the debates, since he has nothing to gain and could lose face and followers. Trump has gotten much more free time on cable networks than any candidate past or future. Usually, debates help lesser noticed candidates get some national attention. This is not necessary for Trump. If anything, Clinton’s rallies have gotten little coverage, and she does not hold press conferences or give interviews.
Trump has made dozens of odd statements, which he is never questioned about in his rallies. The interviewers or Clinton could ask him to explain those, or challenge the misrepresentation that he gas given. Among these are his disrespect of veterans, such as John McCain, and the Gold Star parents of a heroic soldier. Then there is his prejudice against Mexican immigrants and Muslims. He has made many new incredible statements since the Republican debates, and even since the Republican convention, which he has never been challenged about in a debate format.
There is also the question of Trump’s basing his campaign on Russian advisers and businessmen, starting with his campaign chairman, Paul Manafort. He has also given away Crimea, claims that Putin has not invaded Ukraine, and indicated he may give away the Baltic states. He has severely upset our NATO commitments, and our commitments to South Korea and Japan. He has decided to renegotiate all of our trading agreements.
There is also the patriotism question of using illegal Russian email hacks of the DNC to attack the Clinton campaign. Oh yes, and urging Putin to publish any illegal hacks of Clinton’s emails, so Trump can exploit them.
While his rallies cheer his slanders of Clinton as “Crooked”, interviewers or Clinton can point out that she has been cleared of charges many times. Clinton also has a detailed knowledge of domestic and international issues and plans to deal with them. Trump is without the knowledge of issues or any details or analyses of any solutions to these.
Since polls show now that Trump is losing, having to face a one on one grilling like he never has before will not gain him anything, but can totally demolish his lies and cause him to lose much face in addition to his losing the election.