In the End, Padora’s Computer Didn’t Compute
FBI Director James Comey said this Sunday evening that there were no new relevant emails on Anthony Weiner’s computer, and Hillary Clinton is still cleared from prosecution for her using her personal email server. So from Day 11 to Day 3 before a Presidential Election, the FBI, our agency to investigate and protect the American people, had a measureable effect in hurting Clinton and closing the race. This was done in violation of FBI protocols and in violation of Due Process. What ended up being damaged was the reputation of Director Comey and the members of the FBI that were investigating Clinton’s emails, who were threatening to leak the investigation.
Rudy Giuliani was also damaged as a person, a patriot, and a Trump spokesperson as knowing about the leak potential, possibly encouraging the leaks, bragging about knowing that the October surprise was coming, and then trying to backtrack from talking to FBI agents, and violating National Security. Trump also lost his other key political backer, New Jersey Governor Chris Christy, who was accused in court testimony of knowing about the Bridgegate scheme of blocking a bridge to New York to complicate the lives of people in a city whose Mayor would not support Christy. That is, Christy was dropped because he tried to fix future elections for himself. Christy was also in charge of Trumps committee to set up his administration.
With all of the Trump talk that the election was fixed against him, we find that one of Trump’s two key political spokespersons was actually in on a leak to fix the election. Trump’s past criticism of the FBI, then praising them for the leak, then criticizing them for finding nothing, show he is purely into gaining his main criticism of Clinton from the emails, despite the fact that there is no security issue there. Trump’s new claim that you can’t examine email messages which were from or to Clinton in a week is nonsense, as anybody who has ever used the search function on their email program knows.
How many people are going to hear about nothing having been found in Pandora’s computer in the Monday before the election? How many voted in the last 8 days when Clinton was under unfair and illegal suspicion?
The largest possibilities of voter redemption are in Pennsylvania and Michigan, both of which are now states needed by Trump, and which had no early voting, but only vote on Election Day.
In some of Trump’s speech, he told his supporters that they could erase their early vote by going to the voting booths and filing their new votes. This could apply to those voters who might have passed up a Clinton vote because of the Pandora’s computer innuendos.