To The Donald: Please, Please Do Not Leave the Country — You Will Not Be Let Back In

To The Donald: Please, Please Do Not Leave the Country – You Will Not Be Let Back In

If President Trump ever leaves the US, he would not be let back in, due to his own imposed four year vetting requirements, due to his not having American values, and because he incites violence.

Please remember the story of Robin Hood, where King Richard went off as a Crusader to fight in holy wars, as Trump does, and ambitious Prince John seized the throne.  King Richard had made many enemies in Europe, and it was Austria’s Duke Leopold and Henry VI, the Holy Roman Emperor, who held him for ransom.

First of all, Trump’s insults of foreign leaders, and trampling of their customs and laws, as he does at home, could result in his arrest, and deportation. They would at least lead to demonstrations that could shut down travel, and he could be detained for causing a riot.

But when Trump tries to board a flight back to the US, the following are what will block him from reentry, under his own imposed and desired screening rules:

Inciting violence against protesting Americans in campaign rallies.

Values—trampling on the constitution, freedom of the press, free speech, separation of church and state, due process, states rights, emolument receipts, etc..

Traveling with armed security guards on a government jet, which was not inspected.

Having multiple aggressive mental problems.

Confessing on tape to having bodily assaulted many women.

Threatening to invade Mexico and Chicago and Bomb Syria.

Several times stating that he could kill someone on Fifth Avenue, New York, and get away with it.

Blocking traffic on Fifth Avenue for months.

Refusing to disclose your income taxes for your vetting.

Refusing to disclose your health record for vetting.

Refusal to list all the drugs that your are taking.

Having two foreign wives who were not vetted under new rules.

Lying, earlier in your life, about what the nationality of your parents were, calling yourself Swedish.

Insulting all American politicians, not American values.

Insulting a Gold Star family, not an American value.

Promulating a neo-Nazi cartoon, calling a Star of David a Sheriff’s star.

Showing religious intolerance to Muslims.

Showing racial intolerance to Mexicans.

Not paying federal income taxes, and bragging about it.

Causing large protest rallies that shut down Washington, D.C., and other major cities.

Continual lying.

Not knowing the Bible, an American value.

Not knowing American history, a requirement for citizenship.

Not knowing the Constitution, a requirement for citizenship.

Issuing decrees without Congressional approval, a violation of the Constitution.

Insulting judges, not an American value.

Filing, or being charged in, 3200 law suits.

Threatening economic violence at a leading University.

Threatening economic violence on Sanctuary Cities for not enforcing immigration laws, which they are not required to do by States Rights.

Threatening Senate members with election opposition if they oppose his policies or nominations.  It’s allowable to oppose them.  But not trying to bribe their vote by saying he won’t oppose them.

Still occupying a Post Office as leasee, although prohibited from doing so as a government employee.

Disrespecting our election system, claiming it is fixed and rigged.

Disrespecting our voters, claiming 3 to 5 million of them are illegal immigrants.

In short, so-called-President Trump, you have violated the spirit of vetting and American values in oh so many ways that immigration screeners could not even think up to test.  In the interests of Making America Safe Again, and Making America Great Again, do not expect to even get readmitted.

About Dennis SILVERMAN

I am a retired Professor of Physics and Astronomy at U C Irvine. For two decades I have been active in learning about energy and the environment, and in reporting on those topics for a decade. For the last four years I have added science policy. Lately, I have been reporting on the Covid-19 pandemic of our times.
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