Where Is Trump’s Real Concern for Children?
Trump claimed that he was very angry at Bashar al Assad’s gas attack that killed many children and wounded many, as are all of us. To my recall he has not shown any care for the lives lost in the destruction of a large building a few weeks ago by our bombing in Syria. But this is still small for what trauma Trump is releasing on America’s own children.
Trump is again negotiating with Paul Ryan and the Freedom Caucus to institute an even worse Ryancare plan that leaves off essential care and charges much more for pre-existing conditions. The first Ryancare would price out 24 million people who are now covered. Children are covered up to the age of 26 on their parents account’s. If their parents cannot afford health care, the children will be taken over by Medicaid or by CHIP (Children Help Insurance Program) until they are 18.. Will this be continued, especially in Republican states that have not adopted extended Medicaid?
Republicans want to cut school breakfast and lunch programs that cover 12 million poor children. According to OMB Director Mick Mulvaney’s knee-jerk argument for all programs he is cutting, it hasn’t been proven that it helps the children. I have a simple way that Mick can prove this. It’s for him to go without breakfasts and lunches forever, and see if others notice a problem with his effectiveness, like having more sympathy for unfed children, and envying all of his fellow administration members, who are forced to eat frogs legs or whoppers with Trump.
Then there are the 11.5 million undocumented immigrants. A lot of them have kids that are born in the US and are as much US citizens as the rest of us. Trump plans to deport millions of undocumented immigrants, which means also dragging children to a country that they do not know, or splitting up their family and leaving them with relatives.
Trump has submitted a budget where he cancels many programs for children, especially poor and minority children. Add onto this his cancellation of support for the educational PBS network, including Sesame Street.
Trump has never shown us any sympathy for any of the children in these families or programs.