Monthly Archives: December 2017

Future Ideas on Automated Transportation and Fuel Economy

Future Ideas on Automated Transportation and Fuel Economy We are at the beginning in a digital, artificial intelligence improvement in transportation safety, automation, and gas savings. When anticipated increases in safety materialize, even in the first stage of independent vehicle … Continue reading

Posted in Automated Driving, Autos, Climate Change, Greenhouse Gas Emissions | Leave a comment

SETI, UFOs, Nuclear Weapons, Climate Change, and Donald Trump

SETI, UFOs, Nuclear Weapons, Climate Change, and Donald Trump Even the famous Dennis Overbye of the NY Times has written on SETI (search for extraterrestrial intelligence) and UFO’s, Actually, Overbye’s article was confined to reporting. While I tried hard for … Continue reading

Posted in Fossil Fuel Energy, Humor, Life in the Universe, North Korea Nuclear Threat, Nuclear Weapons, Paris Climate Accord, Paris Climate Agreement, SETI, Trump on Climate Change | Tagged | Leave a comment

Trump Asks for More Global Warming, and Other Catastrophes

Trump Asks for More Global Warming, and Other Catastrophes Trump can never really keep a secret. He eventually reveals everything. Trump tweeted for more global warming to heat up New York and D.C., where he wants more winter business for … Continue reading

Posted in Climate Change, Climate Science, Coastal States, Electric Power, Fire Risks, Houston Flooding, Paris Climate Agreement, Renewable Energy, Tax Laws, Trump Administration, Trump on Climate Change | Tagged | Leave a comment

No Taxation Without Representation

No Taxation Without Representation There are many, many ways that the Trump Tax Bill is not representative of Americans in general. We all recall that this started the American Revolution. The Unmitigated Gall of the tax bill is that it … Continue reading

Posted in Tax Laws, Trump Taxes | Tagged | Leave a comment

Scott Pruitt, In His Excess, May Have Violated the Hatch Act

Scott Pruitt, In His Excess, May Have Violated the Hatch Act Scott Pruitt, Destructor of the EPA, has brought in Definers Public Affairs, associated with a Republican group, America Rising, that digs up scurrilous background material on candidates, in order … Continue reading

Posted in EPA | Tagged | Leave a comment

The Many Benefits to the United States from Contributing to the UN

The Many Benefits to the United States from Contributing to the UN Our unlettered foreign affairs President, fueled by Fox News, sees foreign affairs as a personality contest or ego enhancer.  With respect to the UN, he has always emphasized … Continue reading

Posted in Affairs of State, Benefits of the United Nations, Education, Military Budget, Trump Administration, United Nations | Tagged | Leave a comment

The Day Trump Declared Himself our Dictator, and Ruler of the World

The Day Trump Declared Himself our Dictator, and Ruler of the World Dec. 20, 2017 was the Day of Congressional Republican Obsequiousness to King Trump. It was also the day that Trump declared himself the Ruler of the World, by … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Trump’s Deregulated America of Fears

Trump’s Deregulated America of Fears It’s essentially a mathematical theorem, that if you remove regulations that were imposed to prevent harm, that bad things will happen.  Trump promised in the campaign, that for every new regulation, he would remove two.  … Continue reading

Posted in Climate Change, Climate Science, Fire Risks, Infrastructure, Regulations, Tax Laws, Transportation, Trump on Climate Change | Tagged | Leave a comment

The Educational Background of the US Congress

The Educational Background of the US Congress. I must admit that I am a bit of a conspiracy theorist, which is how scientists try to find common theories behind several anomalous results. I was wondering if there was a conservative … Continue reading

Posted in Congress, Education, Federal University Funding, Politics, Science Funding, Tax Laws, Taxing Tuition Wavers, University Funding, University Rankings | Leave a comment

Trump’s Imaginary World Without Climate Change and With Growth

Trump’s Imaginary World Without Climate Change and With Growth In today’s news talk before Trump’s cabinet meeting, Trump self-praised himself for economic growth, and made wishful future projections with his tax cuts. But he did this in an imaginary world … Continue reading

Posted in Climate Change, Climate Science | Tagged | Leave a comment