Dear Republicans: This is a Great Time to Consider Retirement

Dear Republicans: This is a Great Time to Consider Retirement

The new CNN cited polls show that your demographic groups are down 13% to 20% from the last election. Your President is the least popular in history. He has decided to let Trump be the Lord of All Things. His actions will be only more “you can’t even make this stuff up” until the November election. Whoever he comes out to back, drops 20 points in support. His appointees to the Cabinet and federal judgeships are embarrassing, as are their hearings.

You have also accomplished all that you can have promised your backers. They don’t need to contribute that much in the future. You have your conservative Supreme Court replacement for Alito. You have your unfunded $1.5 trillion tax cut for the rich. You have all departments run by Secretaries who have cancelled all regulations desired by your lobbyists. The Secretaries are also run by the industries that they are managing. For coastal Republicans, you already have your oil companies given off-shore drilling rights. For inland Republicans, your oil companies can now drill on federal lands. There is nothing left to motivate your voters during a midterm election.

The Mueller investigation is daily turning up more areas of skullduggery. Facebook and Cambridge Analytics is a disgusting, deep and expansive sinkhole. More arrests, court cases, and state-friendly witnesses will be turned. The sex scandals are ballooning, now due to Trump’s personal counter-suing. As Mueller closes in, people closer to Trump will be tarnished, and Trump will become more desperate in fighting back in unprecedented ways. This will wear on Trump’s, Republican’s, and your backing.

Even being in a highly gerrymandered Republican district, you can no longer count on sliding into home base, for the reasons given above. You are going to have to work meetings every day with groups, in which there will be vociferous Trump denouncers. Your office will be surrounded by embarrassing demonstrators. You will be shunned socially, since hosts don’t want their parties disrupted by loud political denunciations. You are going to have to work twice as hard to get the same amount of financial support as in the past. Your opponents will be much better funded than you have ever seen in the past. Your opponent, who will have won the Democratic primary, will be a first-class opponent and debater, rather than just a party place holder.

Due to Arctic warming destabilizing the polar vortex, Washington D. C will have more and more serious winter storms for you to contend with and make your life miserable. Your home and neighboring districts will be more vulnerable to climate change destruction like floods, drought, and wildfires. Your disbelief in climate change and science will be ever harder to defend.

Younger voters are highly involved in social media, where you will have to be involved. Your output on these media will be trolled by all sorts of clever criticism.

You may squeak by in 2018, despite an expected low Republican turnout, and a high disaffected independents turnout. But in 2020, you are going to have to run with Trump, and face even greater opposition. There will be a 2020 census, which will lead to ever increasingly fair redistricting in 2021, which will make your 2022 re-election much more difficult.

Many have been booted or have quit the Trump reign, and have gone on to much more lucrative and enjoyable jobs than their obsequious service to Trump. Or they have enjoyed retiring on their laurels. Everyone retires sometime. Make it easy on yourself.

Including House members running for other offices, there will so far be 17 open Democratic seats, and 37 Republican seats in the 2018 midterm.

About Dennis SILVERMAN

I am a retired Professor of Physics and Astronomy at U C Irvine. For two decades I have been active in learning about energy and the environment, and in reporting on those topics for a decade. For the last four years I have added science policy. Lately, I have been reporting on the Covid-19 pandemic of our times.
This entry was posted in 2018, 2018 Midterm Election, Climate Change, Climate Science, Coastal States, Congressional Investigation, Constitution, Dana Rohrabacher CA 48th, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Governors and State Legislatures, Humor, Laguna Beach Rally, Mimi Walters CA 45th, Offshore Oil Drilling, Oil, Public Confidence, Regulations, Supreme Court, Swing States, Trump Administration, Trump Tax Cuts, Voting Rights and tagged . Bookmark the permalink.

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