Trump’s World of Witchcraft (Witch World)
Trump and family seem to have a closet filled with broomsticks. That’s why their investigation is actually a witch hunt. Today, it appears that campaign aid broomsticks were found from Israel, United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia, brought home by Donald Jr. Yesterday, one was found from a half billion dollar loan from China to a Trump resort project in Indonesia. This caused Trump to ask Commerce to remove 7 year bans on ZTE using American Products, because it was selling their products against bans to Iran and North Korea. Previously, an embargo against Qatar was lifted after they gave a half billion dollar loan to Kushner to keep his devilishly located building at 666 Fifth Avenue.
This closet has gotten so large, it must be the world”s first walk-in broom closet.
On the other hand, Trump is unperceptive when there are real threats to the US. For example, Trump has actually been defunding medical aid to Africa. The latest Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo is now in a city of a million people. This could be much worse for Congo and Africa than the one a few years ago. While $46 million is needed now for an early response, Trump has only sent $1 million. The response to the 2014 Ebola virus cost $3.6 billion worldwide by the end of 2015, and $2.3 billion of that was to the US government. The epidemic took 11,316 lives. The minimal Trump response is not only unperceptive of the consequences that can follow from another Ebola epidemic, but purposely intended as a personal insult to African Countries, which he has labeled by an unprintable description.
Another threat which Trump refuses to recognize is that of Russian interference in our 2016 Presidential election. This was through their hacking the DCCC and John Podesta’s emails and publishing them. It also was through social media fake news and fake ads. People think that Trump won’t respond to Russian aggression because they have something on him. It is hard to imagine anything that could spank Trump as hard as scandals that have already turned up. It just could be that Trump knows that along with Comey, their interference helped him win the election. He many just want them to continue interfering, so that he can win the next election.
While Congressional Republicans are bewitched, bothered, and bewildered, by Trump’s closet of witchbrooms, they have also seen Trump cast three witch hunts on their own Sen. Ted Cruz. Cruz was Trump’s main rival during the end of the nomination race. First, Trump claimed that since Cruz was born in Canada, that he was not a natural born American, though his mother was American. This was debatable, and Trump finally dropped that curse. But he replaced it by implying that there was something that Cruz would not want revealed about his wife. Again, a case of Trump’s slander and denial of due process, which he too easily is allowed to get away with. Is this why Cruz eventually withdrew from contention? Then there was the far-fetched implication, based on a questionable photograph, that Cruz’s father somehow had something to do with the Kennedy assassination. So add these self carved broomsticks to the Trump closet.
Trump is now claiming that an FBI agent, who was called to interview members of his campaign who were involved with Russians, as a spy on his campaign. Yet Trump daily talks to his buddy, Rupert Murdoch, owner of Fox News, who had to close out his British tabloid news, after allegedly tapping 4,000 phones with phone messages. That includes the Royal family.
This reminds us of when Trump publicly asked Russians if they had tapped Clinton’s emails, and if they had the erased ones, if they could publish them to Wikileaks. That was actually okaying a potential crime of hacking, and compounding it by asking Russia to commit another crime of publishing them. Probably the two most well known of Trump’s broomsticks, and gold plated with Trump’s name even.
If Trump seems paranoid about the broomsticks so far uncovered, it may be because he is the only one who fully knows what lies in the dust and dirt of that broom closet. I do agree with Trump on one thing though, it is a shame that it is costing us $20 million for Mueller to clean it out.