This Celebrates My 900th Blog Article
Unfortunately, it is on a very sad day, due to the attack on the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh. That was preceded by a week of bombs from the #MAGAbomber to 14 Trump political targets. The only hope to get some gun control, maintain our Constitutional rights, and maintain clean air, water, and climate action is to vote and get at least a Democratic House.
This Energy and Environment blog became political two years ago with the Trump election and the fossil fuel industry Republicans moving to destroy clean energy climate action under the guise of removing regulations.
I have always had a strong commitment to the ACLU for Constitutional rights.
I have long been a member of the Sierra club, and now with many other organizations, back the preservation of our natural areas, which are also being severely attacked by greedy businesses.
A part of the posts are just to historically record the “you just can’t make this stuff up” era that we are in, from a very moral and scientific point of view, especially about the environment and the many threats of climate change.
Humor is confined to sarcasm in pointing out the many hypocrisies that we are now subjected to, in a way that can still allow us to concentrate on it without abandoning the many battles needed.
I am not an activist road warrior. My work is in the “energy observer” mode of trying to take complicated data, find the important summary, make it public in a simple way, and provide further analyses to make it relevant to the public.
While the topics are stressful, I still am motivated to continue, since doing nothing is not a relief.