Trump’s Vision and Executive Times
No, I am not talking about Trump’s vision for the American people (mostly lies), nor Trump’s vision of what can be accomplished to attach to his Presidential record (like for astronauts), nor his vision of how he is the greatest President (usually false).
Nor am I talking about Trump’s affliction of “visions” of how another million turned out for his inauguration, nor how 3-5 million illegals voted against him, nor how people stood on a rooftop in New Jersey and cheered 9/11, nor his latest of how El Paso was crime ridden before a wall was built there.
I’m talking about Trump’s eyesight.
Nor am I talking about Trump security visions of having over 100 security uncleared people working in his White House, while demanding a Wall be built 2,000 miles away for national security. Nor stopping Muslim visitors from seven countries. Nor being unable to conduct “Extreme Vetting” for his cabinet, judges, and on down nominations. Nor am I talking about the 30 White House members who were granted unqualified security clearances. While Trump was talking in his State of the Union Speech of mocking people living in gated communities, he forgot to mention that he was the most protected person in the United States.
While I have once seen Trump pull out reading glasses, he has never been seen doing that again, anywhere, in any circumstances. In one court case, testifying under oath, Trump said he couldn’t read the documents in front of him, since he didn’t bring his glasses. Trump can apparently see okay far away, since he reads TelePrompTers. However, we have no reports of how large the print is on Trump’s teleprompter, as people behind him could have noticed.
Trump’s narcissism, with the proud jutting jaw, does not allow himself to ever appear as having any health problems, having written his first doctor’s report, and having his naval doctor say that he could live 200 years. His first doctor said that Trump, at 70, was the healthiest man to ever take the Presidency. This while replacing the basketball playing President Obama? President Obama who is thin, and eating well, but smoking.
Update: Unbelievably, at the National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday, Trump had another misread: “Since the founding of our nation, many of our greatest strides — from gaining our independence to abolition of CIVIL RIGHTS to extending the vote for women — have been led by people of faith”. He knew something was wrong, maybe by audience reaction, but didn’t go back to correct it. Had the TelePrompTer gotten ahead of him? Had the line been mistyped for the TelePrompTer? You would think that the President would bring his own familiar TelePrompTer along with his own operator. Any President with vision would have been able to bring his short speech out of his pocket and read it, and unabashedly correcting any misread. He thus shorted out the great accomplishment of the Republican Party by the great President Abraham Lincoln of abolishing SLAVERY.
Everybody knows that eyesight can depart from 20/20 by mid thirties. Then at older age, one can get cataracts. In Trump’s short medical reports, we never hear about his eyesight. If he had cataracts fixed, he could have gotten simple lenses to restore his distance sight. Or, one lens for distance and one for near sight. Or lenses with multiple focuses (my choice). Still, those aren’t always perfect. We don’t know.
Occasionally, Trump misreads words. With his narcissism, he pretends that he didn’t misread, but meant to say the misread and adds also the correct word that he knows. Anybody else, would just replace the misread with the correct word.
Trump’s misspelled words on tweeting may also be from not having his reading glasses on (covfefe anyone?). It’s possible that Apple’s normal spellchecking is shut off on Trump’s iPhone by a top secret security firewall.
While people claim that Trump doesn’t read, it could just be that he can’t read in public, since he refuses to show that he is in any way a common man needing glasses, and not a Demi-god. The great leaders of the past, starting with the Pharaohs were gods, and this goes through the Royalty ruling by Divine Right. Not to mention the father of Kim Jong Un, Kim Jong Il.
Hence, during Trump’s daily hours of private Executive Time, he might put on his reading glasses and read or skim many of the reports presented to him. As well as watching TV, and Fox News, of course. So maybe we should applaud his Executive Times as beneficial to the country, and stop prying into them. Trump would never admit that these were his reading times, as that would give away the secret that he needed glasses.
I was debating whether to write this, but having turned on the TV and seeing that Trump was getting his medical checkup today, this became the Cours du Jour.