Dragonia in Game of Thrones, and Trump
It’s always a struggle whether to take the easy but painful path of writing about the new dictatorial powers of Trump, or to write more technical articles about energy and climate change, or to escape to humor and fantasy. Today, it is an combination of all three.
A few articles ago I ascertained that dragons had fire breath by generating methane in burps, just like cows do. But dragons have sharp teeth that when ground together generate sparks that would ignite the methane to make a flame thrower.
Methane production from beef is in fact a key greenhouse gas, being 80 times more powerful than CO2, before it disappears in a decade or so. So dragons must be regulated or discouraged from burping, unless they ignite their methane and burn it to CO2, as in burnoffs from natural gas wells. They also make risky party guests, since any disrespect to them might cause them to gnash their teeth and obliterate the party.
While Game of Throne watchers think that Daenerys is gone, she and Drogon are two of the most magical characters in the series, which will spawn three spinoffs. She wasn’t ritually burned as a Viking warrior, but transported, we assume, to the magic dragon land of Dragonia by Drogon. While many characters have disappeared, Drogon and Dragon-lady are two of GoT’s most valuable characters, and are very likely to reappear. Remember, all of the slain warriors reappeared as ice zombies. As the physicist Faraday said, and is emblazoned over the entrance of the old UCLA physics building, “Nothing is Too Wonderful to Be True”.
It is also quite clear that Drogon is the only known Dragon, and must be preserved under the endangered species act. This is despite the cost of putting up with his or her “accidents”. This flies (pun now intended) in the face of Trump’s endangered species deregulation, where we no longer protect them if that is costly, or gets in the way of opening territory to fossil fuel exploitation. For all we know, Drogon is a female (and will be renamed Drogona,) and may be pregnant. This would lead to the repopulation of the species. Also, as in other Dragon movies, Dragonia could be populated by many dragons. My guess is that the Iron Throne would have faced North into Westeros and Drogon may have flown off South over the now melted throne. (The throne of swords was a bear to sit on, you always got up with torn clothing.)
After Drogon’s actions destroying King’s Landing, Trump would have labeled Drogon a terrorist, anyway. This makes it hard to protect the Dragon species (dragonis ignitis). Had Drogon flown off West, he or she could reappear when Arya discovers Dragonia in her Westward exploration.
To preserve the Dragons, the making of giant cross-bows would have to be outlawed. However, this would be banned by Trump in his support for the second amendment, the right to bear giant arms. Trump’s associates need such a shield to protect them from justice serving Dragons.
We noticed that the council did not appropriate funds to rebuild the infrastructure of King’s Landing, since, like Trump, they are blocking all such funds until the investigation of how they self elected themselves rulers was ended.
Do I really want a job writing for Game of Thrones? Who wouldn’t? Unfortunately, these future ideas will not be explored, since the three spin-offs being considered do not cover sequels.
Along with the belated discoveries of a coffee cup and a water bottle on the sets, there was the incident where Drogon left a bushel of freshly cut hay under his wing. They cut that out of the scene. They couldn’t reshoot it since Drogon had already flown himself down to the Bahamas to warm up after the series ended. He was tired of the wing de-icing he needed before each of his flights. Or was it she?
We cannot fail to note UC Irvine’s connection with Game of Thrones. Writer David Benioff received a Master of Fine Arts degree in creative writing in 1999 from the Creative Writing Program here. He co-wrote the TV series with D.B. Weiss, after the novels by George R.R. Martin called “A Song of Fire and Ice” which combines the Dragons and the Ice Zombies and the snowy sets.
Trump used “Fire and Fury” in threatening North Korea, and it is the title of a book about Trump by Michael Wolff. Trump manages to Ice all Free Trade, not to mention all Infrastructure now.