Dear Donald, How Not to Get Caught Committing Treason

Dear Donald, How Not to Get Caught Committing Treason

First of all, don’t invite 12 high ranking appointees to listen in to your blackmail call with a foreign President, about digging up dirt on your primary political challenger or his son.

Second, don’t name the political challenger in the call, and don’t repeat his name several times.  Don’t ask many times and in many ways for this person or even his relative to be investigated.  You could have had a plausibly deniable aide contact others at a lower level.  Or, did Rudy fail at that?

We hope that you didn’t involve a member of your own family in the call, and expose them to charges.  You did allow this when Don Jr. went to meet with Russians for dirt on Hillary.

If you are picking emoluments to a relative of your opponent as the dirt, just remember that your family’s own emoluments are about 100 times as valuable as that of your opponent’s relative.

Everyone in on the call or its cover-up either knew or now knows that an act of treason occurred, and should have turned you in to the FBI, a government inspector general, or to the independent US Attorney General, William Barr.

Don’t pick the most publicity seeking, publicly exposing, and totally confused ex-mayor to act as your chief intermediary in the blackmail, and then as your chief public backer.  Do make sure that said ex-mayor does not have a TV news site on quick-dial next to his conspirators when he dials for more money.

Oh, and screen such mayor to see if he is working for free, but getting involved with shady characters and actions in the country that you are blackmailing.  Never heard of turning state’s evidence?  Sure you have, you tried to block your colleagues from “ratting” you out in the Mueller investigation.  

Don’t pick an acting Chief of Staff to appear publicly and without clearance confess to the quid-pro-quo, but then justify it by saying that you do this all the time.

Don’t sacrifice your Chief of Staff, your Secretary of State, and your Secretary of Defense to illegally delay crucial Congressional military aid to an exposed ally without any reason but blackmail.

Don’t say on your call that your supposedly independent Attorney General will actually be the chief government link on the illegal obtaining of foreign influence and dirt in your election.

Do pick and push through the Senate an Attorney General who you undoubtedly swore to not recuse himself, even when he was the chief link in the treason attempt.  You may think that you have done a good thing here, but only in committing a cover-up, which is again an impeachable offense.

If you involved more people in constructing your original transcript, and then your cover-up “Perfect call” transcript, and by locking up the original Biden naming transcript, then you also exposed them to treason charges, and created more witnesses to your crime.

Blocking all people involved from testifying makes you look oh-so-guilty, for what you pretend was a “Perfect Call”.  The worst strategy for a supposedly innocent President.  Don’t try to obstruct again.  Actually, this is my second warning, since you also did this in the Mueller investigation.

Don’t complain that your party has no representation on the non-public initial House tri-committee hearings, when in fact, 48 of your party can take part in them.  

Don’t send your representatives to illegally invade the confidential hearings, along with their illegal cell phones, and delay the work of the House.  Especially, don’t send 13 of the 30 protestors who in fact were entitled to sit in on the hearings, and have been shirking their duties.

Don’t get two representatives to daily watch the confidential hearings and then secretly report their contents back to your White House.  Don’t make the public rely on their word that they did not disclose anything confidential.  If what they discussed was public, they could have just called Fox News, or tweeted it.

Don’t repeat your public request for collusion and interference by Russia in the 2016 election in investigating your political opponent.  Oh, you already did that with our opponent China, after trying to publicly blackmail them talking about how much power you have over them, meaning the imposed tariffs and future ones.

Don’t require your Senators to back you 100% before the Senate trial, since it makes you look like you have blackmailed them from making an independent judgement that you are innocent.

Don’t say that impeachment is stopping you from passing any legislation, of which much has already been passed by the House, when you go out every night for lengthy campaign rallies.

Do remember, that all of the people that you command have sworn to uphold the Constitution as their legal requirement to hold their jobs.  They are not legally sworn to loyalty to a treasonous President.

Finally, don’t make the password on your secure server with the phone calls, “12345678”.

About Dennis SILVERMAN

I am a retired Professor of Physics and Astronomy at U C Irvine. For two decades I have been active in learning about energy and the environment, and in reporting on those topics for a decade. For the last four years I have added science policy. Lately, I have been reporting on the Covid-19 pandemic of our times.
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