Fifty Shades of Cowardice

Fifty Shades of Cowardice

Just because retiring Senator Lamar Alexander wavered, and then decided against witnesses, he should not alone bear the cloak of cowardice.  All of the other 50 Republican Senators who will also vote against witnesses and documents are equally cowards.  They all can still vote to acquit, on all sorts of grounds suggested by Trump’s defense team.

I have heard polls that 75% and 80% of Americans want testimony in the impeachment trial.

I actually stopped watching last night, because I was losing faith in American justice, after listening to the arguments of Trump’s defense team.  I was also losing my sense of logic, thinking that we must have transitioned to another universe.

Today, we learned that Trump’s defense lawyer and White House Counsel, Pat Cipollone, was in the meeting where National Security Advisor Michael Bolton was asked to call Ukraine President Zelensky to get him to dig up dirt on the Bidens.  Not only was Cipollone hiding this knowledge while arguing before the Senate trial, he was also protecting himself from being charged as a co-conspirator for this crime, or being called as a witness.  Nobody said that Cipollone recused himself this morning.

How can the President’s cabinet members that were in on this continue to supposedly act in the US interest, when it is apparent that they have and will subject our appropriations, diplomatic and defense interests to the cause of the President’s re-election?  They are also on trial here, but they will not be acquitted of their potential crimes.  The President is not given a not-guilty judgement by several Senators, but only that it was not enough for impeachment, especially in an election year.  That means that the guilty verdict still hangs over the President’s co-conspirators, who are really running the country.

A Trump rape accuser asked for his DNA.  This could reveal a lot more than if it just matches a stained dress.  The President’s own defense speculated about his mind being analyzed by a psychiatrist.  I have always wanted his brain MRI looking for any tumors.  I also have wanted a PET scan of what parts of his brain were lighting up when praise or criticism was given, to find where the Narcissism and Retribution centers of the brain are.  Trump would be a unique specimen for that.  He could also be given a vocabulary test under the PET scan, to find out where his mind was fixed at a third grader’s vocabulary.  We would also like to see a test whether he had an adequate set of brain chemicals.  Whereas most want to know about Trump’s physical health to see if he is fit for another term, to many of us, it is the fitness of his mind that is most important.

About Dennis SILVERMAN

I am a retired Professor of Physics and Astronomy at U C Irvine. For two decades I have been active in learning about energy and the environment, and in reporting on those topics for a decade. For the last four years I have added science policy. Lately, I have been reporting on the Covid-19 pandemic of our times.
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